Ice core evidence for the Los Chocoyos supereruption disputes
2025年2月22日 · Here, we provide an age of 79,500 years for the Atitlán Los Chocoyos supereruption, one of the largest Quaternary eruptions, by identifying tephra shards in ice cores from both Greenland and...
New findings date Los Chocoyos supereruption to 79,500 years …
2025年3月1日 · An international team of Earth and life scientists, hydrologists, chemists, and physicists, has found evidence showing that the Los Chocoyos supereruption occurred approximately 79,500 years ago...
New findings date Los Chocoyos supereruption to 79,500 years …
2025年3月1日 · An international team of Earth and life scientists, hydrologists, chemists, and physicists, has found evidence showing that the Los Chocoyos supereruption occurred approximately 79,500 years ago and that the planet bounced …
Decadal Disruption of the QBO by Tropical Volcanic Supereruptions
2021年1月25日 · The Los Chocoyos (14.6°N, 91.2°W) supereruption happened ∼75,000 years ago in Guatemala and was one of the largest eruptions of the past 100,000 years. It emitted enormous amounts of sulfur, chlorine, and bromine, with multi-decadal consequences for the global climate and environment.
Study Reveals Los Chocoyos Supereruption Did Not Trigger Ice Age
5 天之前 · At a Glance Scientists analyzed ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica to determine the precise timing and impact of the Los Chocoyos supereruption, which occurred approximately 79,500 years ago and spread ash globally. Despite releasing vast amounts of ash and sulfur, the Los Chocoyos eruption caused only a short-term cooling event lasting a few decades
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形成现今火山口的爆发被称作“鹦鹉爆发”( Los Chocoyos ),喷发出了多达300立方公里的火山灰,覆盖到约600万平方公里的土地,从佛罗里达到厄瓜多尔都能被探测到,并且可以在地层学中被用作标记。Chocoyo是一种经常被发现在松软的火山灰上筑巢的鹦鹉。
Supereruption doublet at a climate transition
2021年10月13日 · We suggest that the recent revision of the Los Chocoyos eruption date shows how improved eruption dates could dramatically change our perspective of the forcing mechanisms of Last Glacial climate...
A Bayesian age from dispersed plagioclase and zircon dates in the …
2024年10月1日 · Its inferred position in marine sediment off the coast of Ecuador suggests an oxygen isotope-based age of 84 ± 5 thousand years (ka) that has been used for decades. A recent effort to determine the eruption age of the Los Chocoyos ash used U-Th/He and U/Th disequilibrium methods that both yield overdispersed sets of dates from zircon.
A Bayesian age from dispersed plagioclase and zircon dates in the …
2024年10月1日 · Throughout Central America and adjacent marine basins, the Los Chocoyos ash has been widely utilized as a chronostratigraphic marker for relative dating of paleoenvironmental, paleoclimate, and volcanic events.
Los Chocoyos: the climate impact of a climactic eruption
2025年3月15日 · The Los Chocoyos eruption. Lake Atitlan is one of the (many) volcanic wonders of Guatemala. The lake is elongated, measuring 18 by 8 km. It is flanked by three volcanoes, of which the namesake Volcan Atitlan is the youngest and most active: it formed in the holocene. Toliman is older and dormant, and San Pedro is extinct.