CHOK,香港 潮语,意思是耍帅、摆酷、放电,即做出令人窒息的表情抢占他人视线。 CHOK因 林峯 而变成时尚潮语,2010年林峯在电视剧《谈情说案》中饰演物理学教授,解答疑难问题 …
Chok - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
It can be used to describe an intense feeling of anger, frustration, or disappointment. For example, if someone is extremely angry about something, they might say "I am so chok right now." The …
Chok (潮語) | 香港網絡大典 | Fandom
「Chok」,或稱「Chok樣」,是一個香港潮語,原字為「擢」 [1] ,近年被解作使人窒息,常用於o靚模、偶像拍照時擺出懶可愛動作或懶型動作, [2] 及形容人們在影相時嘗試令自己看似漂 …
Pop Cantonese: Hea, Chok and Chur - Zolima City Magazine
Hea is not the only Cantonese slang term that doesn’t have a Chinese character: there’s also “chok” and “chur.” Chok means to pull a face that looks especially cocky or pretentious in order …
What is the meaning of "chok"? - Question about Traditional …
2020年3月31日 · chok係動詞,唔淨係好靚仔好有形咁解🤔 日文有兩個差唔多意思嘅詞語 我諗可以參考下 格好(カッコ)付け ドヤ顔(をする)
How do you say "What does "chok" mean" in Traditional
2018年8月15日 · there's no any exact word of 'chok' in cantonese as it is an onomatopoeia , but the meaning is to usually describe a man to pretend cool , similar wordings in cantonese is 懶 …
CHOKE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
CHOKE definition: 1. If you choke, or if something chokes you, you stop breathing because something is blocking your…. Learn more.
CHOKE Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
to stop the breath of by squeezing or obstructing the windpipe; strangle; stifle. The sudden wind choked his words. Grease choked the drain. I managed to choke back my tears. The …
What does CHOK mean? - Definitions.net
CHOK is a Canadian radio station, which broadcasts at 1070 AM in Sarnia, Ontario. The station broadcasts a gold-based adult contemporary music format with local news, talk and sports. …