Choku! - MangaDex
Mizuhashi Nao is a 16 year old, who is shy and friendless. He passes his class breaks in the toilet playing games where he won't be bothered. One day an upperclassman appears peaking from above and with a huge nosebleed that covers him with blood. Her name is Serika. Wait, a girl?! What is a girl doing in the boys restroom?
Choku! | Manga - MyAnimeList.net
2008年11月13日 · Looking for information on the manga Choku!? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database. A girl who seems to lack social skills and awareness decides to show her love to the guy she likes.
谷川尼可(日语:谷川 ニコ),日本双人漫画家组合,由负责编剧及分镜构图的谷川Ikko [1](谷川 イッコ,1982年-,男性)和负责作画的女性组成。 代表作是2013年7月至9月播出同名电视动画的《我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们的错! 》。 《我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们的错! 2009年推出首部单行本作品《CHOKU! 就这样一见钟情! (日语:ちょく!)》之后,于2013年以日本网络论坛上形容不受欢迎女性的用语“丧女”为题材;创造出漫画《我不受欢迎,怎么想都是你们 …
CHOKU!就這樣一見鍾情! - MYCOMIC - 我的漫畫
沒朋友的高中生水橋直,總是孤單一個人躲在廁所裡吃午餐…直到有一天,有個女生對他一見鍾情。 而且那個女生很變態…鼻血與其他怪東西狂出的愛情喜劇第1集! 芹花對... 觀看全部. 沒朋友的高中生水橋直,總是孤單一個人躲在廁所裡吃午餐…直到有一天,有個女生對他一見鍾情。 而且那個女生很變態…鼻血與其他怪東西狂出的愛情喜劇第1集! 芹花對水橋直一見鍾情。 但芹花的戀愛方式跟一般的少女有些不同! 被這個變態少女愛上的男生,接連被捲入災難! 水橋直的日常 …
Choku! - Read Free Manga Online at Bato.To
Serika, a blunt and socially inept high school girl, has never had a friend before. However, she does have a boyfriend or at least she thinks she does. So what does she do? She takes a dump in the bathroom her boyfriend Nao plays games in and sprays him with blood. Why? Because that's what lovers do.
Choku! Manga | Anime-Planet
One day an upperclassman appears peaking from above and with a huge nosebleed that covers him with blood. Her name is Serika. Wait, a girl?! What is a girl doing in the boys restroom? And why did she just ask him out on a date? Nao's world is about to be turned upside down. 753 users are tracking this. Log in to see stats.
Choku! Manga Online Free - Manganato
2018年1月7日 · Choku! : Serika, a blunt and socially inept high school girl, has never had a friend before. However, she does have a boyfriend or at least she thinks she does. So what does she do? She takes a dump in the bathroom her boyfriend Nao plays games in …
Choku! Manga - Mangapill
Here's a new shounen series that's a comedy involving bloody noses. Anyway, it's about a girl who seems to lack social skills who likes this short guy who she finds to be really cute. The two go off and do things basically.
韓国語「족보|チョクポ」の意味、発音、読み方 | 韓国語単語一 …
2020年2月3日 · 韓国語「족보|チョクポ」の意味、発音、読み方をまとめました。 족보の読み方・発音韓国語表記족보意味族譜読み方チョクポ発音(ローマ字)choku|po|発音(カナ)チョク|ポ|発音(仮名)ちょく|ぽ|英語翻訳Genealogy品詞分解族譜:名詞...
本ズワイガニ脚 生 しゃぶしゃぶ用 ポーション むき身 …
北の海で獲れたばかりのズワイガニを新鮮なうちに急速冷凍。 風味を閉じ込めることで、茹でたボイル品では味わえない自然なおいしさをお届けします。 しゃぶしゃぶ、お刺身、バター …