盖章到底是 chop, seal 还是stamp?可能是全网讲得最清楚的文章
2023年2月16日 · chop做动词一般就直接表示「给….盖公章」, 说chop the contract即可。 比如 英美表达(综合使用stamp和seal,其中stamp代表盖章的动作,seal代表印章):
please sign &chop 是什么意思 - 百度知道
2017年6月26日 · please sign &chop 是什么意思字面意思是【请签字并盖章】一般这个是用在商业中,一些合同之类的重要文件需要参与方签字、盖章。 如果是盖章的话,有的还有要求是什么章。
Chinese Company Chop vs Signature: Key Differences and Which …
2024年12月9日 · The company chop and the signature play different roles in China, each with unique implications for authority and compliance. Here is a description of the main differences between the company chop and the signature:
Chinese Company Stamp vs Signature - Acclime China
Chinese stamp (chop) vs signature. Certain characteristics distinguish the Chinese stamp or chop from a signature. These differences impact how a legal representative should handle the stamp. While a signature is personally linked to an individual, a stamp is operated by a person, giving the operator authority.
Legalization of documents: signing or chopping? - LinkedIn
2014年9月23日 · In this week’s blog post we will look at the roll of chops and signatures in legalizing documents in China. The different type of chops, their power and risks, how to stay in control, as well...
signature and/or chop - ProZ.com
2021年7月28日 · chop: seal; stamp; an official mark made by pressing an inked seal or stamp on paper.
chop sign [chopped, company chop] - WordReference Forums
2011年4月12日 · If you are in Hong Kong, for example, you need both a company chop and a person's signature to receive (take) goods. That sounds like what is happening here. Then you are being requested to give the person or company a copy of the receipt for their records (which is standard business procedure).
MyCHOP - Login Page
Make a quick payment without logging in. Get an Estimate. Get an idea of the cost of certain services. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) At Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, trust is the foundation of our relationship with you, our patients and families. Learn more from CHOP.
Chop and sign here [stamp; seal] - WordReference Forums
2011年6月16日 · chop 3 (ch p) n.1. An official stamp or permit in the Far East. 2. a. A mark stamped on goods or coins to indicate their identity or quality. b. Quality; class: first chop. You must log in or register to reply here. Good afternoon, it's on the bottom of a contract: what does it mean :Chop and sign here, i know of course about sign here. Regards;
chop &sign是什么意思 - 百度知道
2010年4月14日 · 2017-07-11 please sign &chop 是什么意思 2016-12-31 民航单词chop什么意思 2011-04-15 Chop是什么意思 3 2011-08-10 chop 什么意思 2017-01-20 英语词汇辨析1,chop和cut有什么区别 1