Statement about the Badger cull by Chris Packham
Chris Packham has a passionate concern for conservation. He is a TV presenter and naturalist, author and award winning photographer. 'My views on the Badger cull are well known and have been widely voiced and published.
Chris Packham condemns 'cruel' badger culling extension - BBC
2020年9月7日 · TV naturalist Chris Packham has joined wildlife groups in condemning a decision to extend badger culling to 11 new areas in England. New culls will take place in Derbyshire, Leicestershire,...
Chris Packham backs countrywide protests against Defra as badger …
2022年9月29日 · Naturalist and long-term advocate for badgers Chris Packham once again lends his support to the campaign, urging Defra to finally accept that culling badgers to end bovine TB in cattle simply does not work.
BBC Inside Out - Badgers
In this week's nature notes, Chris Packham roots out the setts of badgers. For many, a badger is a cuddly creature from the leaves of childrens' books but they can be a farmer's nightmare...
Support for badgers as Chris Packham shares his plan to end the …
2024年11月7日 · Chris Packham OBE reports that he had a ‘good meeting’ with Defra Secretary of State, Steve Reed MP. He shared his plan outlining solutions to end the badger cull, drafted after consultation with scientists and researchers. The pair also discussed the …
Badger Trust’s Day of Action unites wildlife and nature …
2024年9月3日 · Wildlife champion Chris Packham, who will speak at the event, branded the badger cull “completely unscientific, brutally inhumane, wholly ineffective, incalculably shameful.” “The blood of two hundred and thirty thousand badgers drips from the hands of cruel politicians, inept agencies and the abject mischief of the farming lobby.”
Wytham Woods: Autumnwatch tracks badgers with thermal …
2024年10月30日 · The Autumnwatch team may have observed "the highest population of badgers anywhere ever recorded", presenter Chris Packham has said. The animals were tracked in the dark during last night's...
2024年8月30日 · From 12 noon for about an hour, campaigners such as Chris Packham, Dale Vince, Dr Alice Brough, Mark Jones and Rachel Bigsby will make speeches about the badger cull and why they’re against it. Between 1.30 and 2.00 pm , anyone who wants to join us for a mass lobby of MPs will cross the road together to the House of Commons and queue up at St ...
'Highest badger population' observed after dark - BBC
2024年10月30日 · The Autumnwatch team may have observed "the highest population of badgers anywhere ever recorded", presenter Chris Packham has said. The animals were tracked in the dark during last night's...
Chris Packham leads campaigners' legal case against badger cull
2020年7月10日 · Wildlife campaigners led by the TV presenter Chris Packham have launched a legal case to challenge the humaneness of the badger cull. The group Wild Justice claims …