Chrome logo contains an obvious 666. I can't un-see this. - Reddit
2014年11月22日 · Far less intimidating or 'cool' than 666, though. But still, just because there are lots of websites devoted to the number doesn't mean that it is actually significant, outside of silly religious superstition and hokum. Do I think the logo designer for Chrome "knew about" 666? Sure. It's a number, most people know what numbers are.
Has anyone realized that the Google Chrome logo looks exactly
2022年9月23日 · 139K subscribers in the chrome community. Welcome to r/Chrome - an independent, community-run forum for everything to do with the Chrome browser!
Why does the Chrome logo contain "666?" : r/conspiratard - Reddit
2016年3月23日 · It's 999, just like what Hitler screamed over and over when his Illuminati lizard overlords said they were going to put a Jewish cabal in charge of The New World Order. The proof is clearly in the Google logo and that little Satanic symbol that Proctor and Gamble used to use that made thousands of children catch the Gay and worship Satan.
Google Chrome is changing its logo, last time was 8 years ago.
Reply reply More replies joao-louis • Took 8 years to remove shadows Reply reply bertydo • Same 666 logo as before Reply reply bootsandcats16 • Wow 2014 was eight years ago 😳 Reply reply MissCakeAndCream •
evolution of the google chrome logo : r/chrome - Reddit
2024年6月22日 · Welcome to r/Chrome - an independent, community-run forum for everything to do with the Chrome browser!
Google Chrome Logo Evolution : r/chrome - Reddit
2022年2月24日 · 137 votes, 14 comments. 128K subscribers in the chrome community. Welcome to r/Chrome - an independent, community-run forum for everything to do with…
Leaked Google Chrome logo version from 2044 : r/pcmasterrace
2022年2月5日 · Global warming will even affect logos, the sea level has risen in the Chrome logo and has flooded the green, red and yellow sections.
[1.17] Awesome seed details in description: 666 : r/minecraftseeds
2021年6月10日 · Just to be clear the seed is in the title but I will put it here as well, it’s 666 You spawn in a plains near a decent sized village with a ruined portal. The area is surrounded by a desert, a savanna and a mountains biome. In the mountains biome, near the village, there is ravine with an abandoned mineshaft in it.
google chrome=666 (OoO) : r/YuB - Reddit
2021年3月11日 · 133K subscribers in the YuB community. This subreddit is for talking with/about the youtuber YuB. Submit your memes and/or stuff you think is funny!
Le logo Chrome contient un 666 évident. Je ne peux pas ... - Reddit
2014年11月22日 · Beaucoup moins intimidant ou « cool » que 666, cependant. Mais ce n’est pas parce qu’il existe de nombreux sites Web consacrés à ce chiffre qu’il est réellement significatif, en dehors des superstitions religieuses idiotes et des hokum. Est-ce que je pense que le concepteur du logo pour Chrome « connaissait » le 666 ? Bien sûr.