CHSS - Chss Avsd Cohort: Investigating Surgical Repair Strategies ...
Evaluate whether echocardiographic measurements can serve as reliable markers for predicting repair strategies in the diverse spectrum of atrioventricular septal defects (AVSD). Methods: From 2012, to 2022, 889 babies with complete AVSD were enrolled at one of 31 participating Congenital Heart Surgeon Society hospitals.
《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》 (Neural Regeneration Research, NRR) 杂志于2006年4月创刊,2008年1月即被SCI, PubMed, PubMed Central, BIOSIS previews, Chemical Abstracts, Excerpta Medica等国际重要数据库收录。 2022年影响因子:6.1,位列JCR神经科学Q1区&细胞生物学类别Q2区。 为促进国际神经再生领域的学术交流,尤其是希望加强亚太区域神经再生领域研究者们的学术沟通与交流,同时提高杂志的国际知名度,提高杂志组织更多来自国际的优秀机构的高学 …
CHSS - Computational Model To Assist Surgical Decision-Making …
Our personalized predictive computer model enables surgeons to perform virtual surgeries and predict hemodynamic quantities for BLV patients using clinical, echocardiographic, and cath data as input. On a small initial cohort, our model predictions corroborate the validity of the clinically performed procedure.
• Earlier this year there were just 3 INRs in Scotland, but a need for 6 INRs to provide existing (non thrombectomy) services to tackle aneurysms/haemorrhagic stroke. Now Edinburgh have successfully recruited one new INR, and Glasgow have recruited 3 INRs who will be in post in February 2021 which is a significant step forward.
INR隐式神经表示综述(医学影像领域)Implicit Neural …
2024年1月13日 · Implicit neural representations(INRs)是一种基于神经网络的方法,用于对对象的几何形状或功能特征进行建模和表示。 INRs通过神经网络学习对象数据中的隐含特征,而不需要显式表示对象的几何结构。
Références en santé au travail. La revue - INRS
La revue « Références en santé au travail » a pour objectif de fournir à l’ensemble des équipes des services de prévention et de santé au travail les informations médicales, scientifiques, techniques et juridiques utiles à l’accomplissement de leurs missions.
CHSS - Beyond 30 Days: Evaluating The Feasibility Of Long-term ...
Objective (s): Survival after congenital heart surgery (CHS) has increased over time with a commensurate shift to evaluating survival beyond 30 days post-operatively. This study evaluates the real-world ability to track patients’ mortality status over longer durations with current data and clinical practices.
Study, analyze and report on the implications of Artificial Intelligence on Human Security. Create a common Platform for the Technology experts, Think Tanks, Academc Institutes, Corporate, and Policy makers. Discuss, debate and disseminate emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, Blockchain and their impact on National Security Architecture.
CHSS - Long Term Health Related Quality Of Life Outcomes …
Objective (s): We characterized long term health related quality of life (HR-QoL) outcomes in adult patients with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries (ccTGA) across the therapeutic spectrum. Methods: Between 1995-2020, 240 ccTGA patients were treated at the Cleveland Clinic.
2021年3月13日 · 受2021年国际新冠病毒疫情影响,无法像往年一样与国际专家进行面对面交流,但疫情从来不能阻碍求知和学术进步,《中国神经再生研究(英文版)》NRR杂志采用线上系列云会议的模式与大家共同分享国际最新学术进展和前沿技术,受到了国内外专家的一致好评。 2. 共成功组织了18个专题,成功邀请50余位国内外从事神经再生研究的知名专家: 包括3场中文技术讲座、5场全英文报告、3天持续线上国际会议(包括2场国际技术讲座、4场国际论坛及4场国际 …