Ci Shi - 磁石 - Magnetitum - Chinese Herbs - American Dragon
Calcined Magnetite Duan Ci Shi is easier to pulverize and is stronger at tonifying the Kidneys, grasping and improving hearing and vision. Its sedating qualities are less. It treats tinnitus, deafness, blurred vision, cataracts, wheezing from Kidney Deficiency and spermatorrhea.
Ci Shi (Magnetite) in Chinese Medicine - meandqi.com
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ci Shi belongs to the 'Herbs that anchor and calm the Spirit' category. These herbs are substances that tranquilize the Mind and treat symptoms such as restlessness, palpitations, anxiety or insomnia.
Ci Shi - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Ci Shi (Magnetitum)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) The mineral of Magnetitum of oxide mineral of family Spinella. Shandong, Liaoning and Jiangsu provinces and so on in China. Mined in any time. Smell of soil, no taste. Black colour and luster, with strong ability of magnetization.
2016年9月23日 · 为氧化物类矿物尖晶石族磁铁矿。 主含四氧化三铁。 【原形态】 磁铁矿(《石雅》),等轴晶系。 晶体往往为八面体,少数为菱形十二面体,晶面上常有平行条纹。 通常成粒状或致密块状体出现。 颜色呈铁黑色;晶体有时带有浅蓝靛色。 条痕黑色。 半金属光泽。 不透明。 无解理。 断口呈贝壳状或参差状。 硬度5.5~6.5。 比重4.9~5.2。 性脆。 具强磁性。 见于许多岩浆岩和变质岩中;海滨沙中也常存在。 【生境分布】 产江苏、山东,辽宁、广东、安徽 …
磁石 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为氧化物类矿物尖晶石族 磁铁矿,主含四氧化三铁(Fe3O4)。 采挖后,除去杂石。 本品为块状集合体,呈不规则块状,或略带方形,多具棱角。 灰黑色或棕褐色,条痕黑色,具金属光泽。 体重,质坚硬,断面不整齐。 具磁性。 有土腥气,无味。 置干燥处。 磁石:除去杂质,砸碎。 煅磁石:取净磁石,照煅淬法(附录Ⅱ D)煅至红透,醋淬,碾成粗粉。 每100kg磁石,用醋30kg。 取本品粉末约0.1g,加盐酸 2ml,振摇,静置。 上清液显铁盐的鉴别反应(附录Ⅳ)。 归肝 …
Ci Shi 磁石 - kamwo.com
Although Ci Shi is historically important in certain formulas, it is cold and harsh to digest. It is not commonly used in modern TCM. Ci Shi's strength is to Anchor the Yang due to its heaviness. It is rarely exploited for its Yin Nourishing ability only.
为氧化物类矿物 尖晶石 族磁铁矿,主含 四氧化三铁 (Fe3O4)。 采挖后,除去杂石。 本品为 块状集合体,呈不规则块状,或略带方形,多具棱角。 灰黑色或棕褐色,条痕黑色,具金属光泽 …
Ci Shi – Magnetite – Magnetitum - Best Chinese Medicines
What is Ci Shi?: The Chinese Herb Ci Shi is a magnetic mineral ore called magnetite, which is a dull brown or black in color when mined (primarily in Jiangsu, Shandong, Liaoning, Guangdong, Anhui and Hebei provinces).
Chinese Herb: Ci Shi (Magnetite), Magnetitum - Sacred Lotus
The Chinese herb 'Ci Shi' (Magnetite) is Spicy, Salty, Cold, goes to the KI, LIV, and is in 'Substances that Anchor, Settle, and Calm the Spirit'.
拼音是cí shi,方言:结实;扎实;牢固,块头大;熟练。 北方人多用于形容朋友之间情谊深厚,坚不可摧。 还形容某个动作或行为实现的彻底完全。
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