在本文中,我们将讨论 PUF( physically unclonable functions) 物理不可克隆功能,以及它如何提高 IC 的硬件安全性。 在一个严重依赖电子产品的日益互联的世界中,安全性至关重要。现代电子产品几乎一致地依赖密…
All-silicon multidimensionally-encoded optical physical unclonable ...
2024年4月13日 · Here, we demonstrate all-silicon multidimensionally-encoded optical PUFs fabricated by integrating silicon (Si) metasurface and erbium-doped Si quantum dots (Er-Si QDs) with a CMOS-compatible ...
理解物理不可克隆函数(PUF) - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
来源:Invia 本文刊登于《IP与SoC设计》杂志第1期 为什么选择物理不可克隆函数(PUF)? 20年前,数字安全只在银行卡或支付终端等专用电子设备上实现。今天,每个人都在使用以 "https://"标志的安全互联网…
Physical unclonable function: architectures, applications and ...
2020年3月19日 · In this study, the authors have thoroughly explored the architecture, applications, requirements, and challenges of PUF that provide security solutions. For presenting the literature, they have designed a taxonomy where PUFs are divided under two main categories, including non-silicon and silicon-based PUF.
Physical unclonable functions - Nature Electronics
2020年2月24日 · We focus here on the optical PUF as a representative example of non-silicon PUFs, arbiter PUF (APUF) as an example of time-delay based silicon PUFs, and static random-access memory PUF (SRAM...
Physical Unclonable Functions and Applications: A Tutorial
This paper describes the use of physical unclonable functions (PUFs) in low-cost authentication and key generation applications. First, it motivates the use of PUFs versus conventional secure nonvolatile memories and defines the two primary PUF types: “strong PUFs” and “weak PUFs.”
A survey on silicon PUFs - ScienceDirect
2022年6月1日 · Consequently, PUFs are inexpensive to fabricate, prohibitively challenging to duplicate, admit no compact mathematical representation, and are intrinsically tamper-resistant. This manuscript gives a complete survey of PUFs as a promising research field in security with a wide application, especially with connected devices.
什么是物理不可克隆(PUF)?为何是解决芯片安全的绝佳方 …
2022年8月10日 · 文章浏览阅读1.8k次,点赞7次,收藏9次。一个标准的DRAM单元的工作原理是用一个单一的电容来保持作为二进制状态的存储电荷,以及一个控制电荷进出电容的通断晶体管。对于一个给定的PUF,一个特定的输入,被称为 "质询",将产生一个输出响应,(质询应答认证challenge-response)该响应对特定的PUF ...
崔小乐教授课题组在物理不可克隆函数(PUF)安全性研究中取得 …
2023年3月21日 · [4] Yongliang Chen, Xiaole Cui*, Yun Liu, Xiaoxin Cui*, An evaluation method of the anti-modeling-attack capability of PUFs, IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics & Security, early access, 2023....
Circuit design of each pico-PUF architecture [12]. - ResearchGate
Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) are gaining traction as an attractive alternative to generating and storing device keying material over traditional secure non-volatile...