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Admin | UTM Kuala Lumpur
Centre of Information Communication Technology (CICT) – Facilitates and supports UTM KL’s campus-wide ICT resources and facilities. Office of Asset and Construction Management (Harta Bina) – Provides services in the management of asset and facilities as well as the campus construction projects.
CICT - MyePortfolio@UTM
CICT provides students an ID account and also email address. CICT also has High Performance Computing, Virtual Private Network (VPN), UTM Hosting and also video conferencing &Streaming which can save more cost instead of flying to the specify places to hold a meeting.
2018年2月11日 · CICT telah mengadakan acara Perasmian bagi Program Wacana Ilmu di Dewan Seminar CICT pada 18 Januari 2018 (Khamis), jam 8.30 pg – 12.00 tengahari. Program tersebut telah dirasmikan oleh Pengarah CICT, Prof. Dr. Ali bin Selamat.
The CICT is located at UTM Johor Bahru and there are 36 staffs in CICT UTMJB and 4 staffs in CICT UTMKL. From the figure, we can see that the Director is PM Dr. Mohd Shahizan Othman and assisted by 7 Deputy Director for ADM, IOM, SM, CM, BDO, PMO and CICTKL.
UTM Kuala Lumpur | Innovating Solutions
Premier Institution in providing Japanese-style engineering education blended with Malaysia distinctiveness for sustainable industry and society. Perfectly located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur city. The residence at UTMKL welcomes you with warm hospitality and service, steeped in and experience the prowess.
Industrial Visit 1 - CICT - MyePortfolio@UTM
CICT provides and manage ICT security using Next Generation Firewall with reducing complexity and lowering the total cost of ownership. CICT also implement High Availability concept with active-active balancing to optimize the functionality and efficiency.
The WiFi UTM network connection may be subject to monitoring for security, legal or troubleshooting purposes by the Office of CICT, UTM. This may include monitoring for bandwidth and quota usage, security related incident, or a request from law enforcement authorities.
Pusat Teknologi Maklumat Dan Komunikasi CICT UTM
Pusat Teknologi Maklumat Dan Komunikasi CICT UTM is a School, located at: D07, CICT, UTM, Skudai, 81310 Johor Bahru
Taklimat Kelangsungan CICT Bersama Pengarah CICT | UTMDigital
2018年2月27日 · Majlis bermula pada jam 12.00 tengahari bertempat di Dewan Seminar, Aras 4, UTM Johor Bahru yang juga dihadiri oleh Mantan Pengarah CICT, Prof. Dr. Ali bin Selamat dan Pengarah CICT yang baru, Prof. Madya Dr. Shahizan bin Othman. Ucapan ringkas oleh YBhg. Pengarah CICT dan diikuti Slot Penghargaan Khas Mantan Pengarah CICT.