Cicutoxin - Wikipedia
Cicutoxin is a naturally-occurring poisonous chemical compound produced by several plants from the family Apiaceae including water hemlock (Cicuta species) and water dropwort (Oenanthe crocata). [1] The compound contains polyene , polyyne , and alcohol functional groups and is a structural isomer of oenanthotoxin , also found in water dropwort.
Cicutoxin | C17H22O2 | CID 25265910 - PubChem
Cicutoxin (a C17-polyene), has been shown to be a potent blocker of potassium channels of T lymphocytes. A similar action on potassium channels of neurons could account for the central nervous system effects.
Cicutoxin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cicutoxin is an unsaturated aliphatic alcohol which is postulated to exert toxicity by central cholinergic stimulation. Specifically, stimulation of both nicotinic and muscarinic receptors occur. A number of terpenoid NCAs of GABA receptors were isolated from plants.
Poisoning due to water hemlock - PubMed
Mechanisms of toxicity: The principal toxins, cicutoxin and oenanthotoxin, belong to a group of C17 conjugated polyacetylenes. They act as (noncompetitive) gamma-aminobutyric acid antagonists in the central nervous system (CNS), resulting in unabated neuronal depolarization that can lead to seizures.
Water Hemlock Poisoning -- Maine, 1992 - Centers for Disease …
The plant is poisonous at all stages of development and is most toxic in the spring. Poisonings typically result from ingestions; however, cicutoxin also may be absorbed through the skin. Mild toxicity from water hemlock produces nausea, abdominal pain, and epigastric distress within 15 …
Cicutoxin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Cicutoxin is a potent gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonist that induces recurrent seizures and exerts cholinergic effects. Severe poisoning has occurred in adults who have mistaken these plants for edible ones.
Cicutoxin | GABA拮抗剂 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
Cicutoxin is a potent GABA antagonist that induces recurrent seizures and exerts cholinergic effects. Cicutoxin acts primarily on the brain and skeletal muscles. Cicutoxin can be isolated from Cicuta maculata (water hemlock) and Cicuta douglasii [1]. Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.
A Concise Synthesis of R- (−)-Cicutoxin, a Natural 17-Carbon …
2009年3月1日 · Cicutoxin (Figure 1), a major toxic component of water hemlock (Cicuta virosa and Cicuta maculate), [1–3] belongs to the class of C 17-polyacetylenes bearing a long π-bond conjugation system. Cicutoxin is known to have lethal toxicity to the central nervous system, causing respiratory paralysis and death.
Cicutoxin 505-75-9 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子大师
Cicutoxin 是一种强效 GABA 拮抗剂,可诱 发惊厥反复发作并发挥胆碱能作用。 Cicutoxin 主要作用于大脑和骨骼肌。 Cicutoxin 可从 Cicuta maculata 和 Cicuta douglasii 中分离出来。 Cicutoxin is a convulsant. Cicutoxin blocks Na+ and K+ channels and inhibits γ-aminobutyric acid pathways. Cicutoxin is a potent GABA antagonist that induces recurrent seizures and …
Cicutoxin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The best known is cicutoxin, a mixture of at least eight different alkaloids present at varying concentrations in different species of hemlock (poison hemlock – Conium maculatum – but also lesser hemlock – Aethusa cynapium – and water hemlock – Cicuta virosa).