Cielo Mosquito Space Spray | Mosquito Adulticide - Clarke
Cielo space spray is a novel mosquito adulticide formulation available for use outside of the United States. When Clarke began launching Cielo in 2018, it introduced imidacloprid, an IRAC Class 4A chemistry, as the first new active ingredient for global public health mosquito control in …
Nome do Produto: CieloTM, CieloTM ULV, NebulaTM ULV. Principais usos recomendados: inseticida de aplicação de volume ultrabaixo para controle de mosquitos adultos. Perigos mais importantes: o produto pode ser nocivo ao homem e ao meio ambiente se não utilizado conforme as recomendações.
Cielo® ULV is a ready to use insecticide for indoor and outdoor use that controls adult mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species. It is approved for application as an ultra-low volume (ULV) non-thermal cold aerosol mist for indoor and outdoor urban,
Cielo ULV | WHO - Prequalification of Medical Products (IVDs, …
It is intended to provide information to support the assessment of the product quality, safety and efficacy, for those uses relevant to WHO. The DoL may not be a comprehensive product label. The product may be authorized for additional or different uses by …
Cielo ULV is a ready to use insecticide for indoor and outdoor use for the control of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus adult mosquitoes. According to the label provided by the manufacturer, for indoor use, Cielo ULV is sprayed using portable equipment, backpack electric or gas-powered ULV cold aerosol
Cielo-ULV é um inseticida de pronto uso utilizado no tratamento espacial (Ultra Baixo Volume - UBV) de ambientes externos com função específica para a eliminação das fêmeas de A. aegypti e
Cielo™ ULV is a ready to use insecticide for indoor and outdoor use that controls adult mosquitoes of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus species. It is approved for application as an ultra‐low volume
A Q&A with Bill Jany on Cielo Space Spray | Mosquito Control
2018年6月26日 · Cielo can be applied in a ULV (ultra-low volume) sprayer, as well as by air. Cielo is also being evaluated for thermal fogging, which would offer even greater application flexibility. Q: What are some important features and benefits of the Cielo formulation?
Produto: Cielo-ULV Tipo de formulação: Ultra Baixo Volume – UBV Classe de uso: Inseticida Formulação: imidacloprida (30 g/kg; 3% p/p) + praletrina (7,5 g/kg; 0,75% p/p) + 96,25% sistemas de solventes. Indicação de Uso: Controle de fêmeas adultas de Aedes aegypti para aplicação em situações de emergência,
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CIELO ULV é um inseticida eficaz contra mosquitos da sespécie Aedes aegypti e Culex quinquefasciatus , que pode ser utilizado em ambientes internos e externos. O produto deve ser aplicado através de equipamento nebulizador gerador de névoa fria de Ultra