CILS – Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language
The CILS (Certificate of Italian as a Foreign Language) certifies language and communication ability in Italian as a second language. This certification is officially recognized by EALTA (European Language Testing Association), the European association which aims to promote awareness of language testing best practice in Europe.
Certifications – Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York - Esteri
Certification exams can be taken abroad. They are administered by the Italian cultural Institutes or other authorized institutions. In New York, the Italian Cultural Institute offers CILS exams (on behalf of the Università per Stranieri di Siena) twice a year – in the first half of June and in the first half of December of each year.
Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language - Wikipedia
The Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera or CILS) is a qualification offered by the Foreigners University of Siena for foreign speakers of the Italian language, recognizing various levels of language proficiency.
C.I.L.S. - Istituto Europeo
CILS levels The CILS covers four levels: ONE, TWO, THREE and FOUR. Each of these represents a progressively higher level of linguistic and communicative ability.
Italian Language Certification: CILS, CELI & other Certificates
The CILS certification is the first Italian language certification to have applied six levels of linguistic-communicative competence from the Common European Framework of Reference and to have offered specific certifications for foreign workers in Italy.
CILS: Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language Exam - Italy …
The Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language Exam (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera, CILS) is a competency examination to demonstrate proficiency in the Italian language. CLIS exam can be taken at every level of competence, from Beginners to Advanced. CILS certifications are internationally recognised.
CILS (The Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language)是表示以意大利语为外语的语言能力等级的官方名称及证明意大利语运用能力及熟练程度的水平考试证书。 CILS证书由锡耶那外国人大学颁发,并且被意大利外交部承认。 什么是CILS?
CILS-TRE C1的一些小提示 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
考试一共五部分:听力、阅读、语法、写作、口语。 听力部分一共40分钟,三大题,每道题听两次,连续的。第一和第二大题都是7道选择题,四个选项中选正确的那个。个人这里推荐先读题目,找出关键词然后留意一下语音…
International Certification CILS - Università Ca' Foscari Venezia
The CILS exam (Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera, Certification of Italian as a Foreign Language) is a proficiency examination and an official recognition of the attained level of linguistic competence of Italian as a foreign language.
CILS and CELI: Italian language certifications
2023年4月1日 · CILS stands for “Certificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera -> certification of Italian as a foreign language.” It covers six levels, which correspond to the language proficiency levels appearing in the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference):