Home | CiMi.CON
We are the world’s leading practitioner-driven knowledge exchange platform bringing together all stakeholders who play an active role in the corporate intelligence and insights scene.
Home | Competitive Market Intelligence - CIMICON DACH
Mar 6, 2025 · Auf der CIMICON D/A/CH diskutieren mehr als 150 Experten, Entscheidungsträger und Anbieter aus der Industrie aktuelle Herausforderungen und Themen rund um Märkte, Wettbewerb, Technologien & Innovationen.
Homepage - Comic-Con
Comic-Con is the premier event for all things comics and related popular art, including movies, television, gaming, interactive multimedia, and so much more! Enjoy cosplay galore and take part in unique programming, exclusive previews, and presentations, not to mention the expansive and diverse Exhibit Hall featuring merchandise and displays ...
Home | Pharma CiMi.CON
Pharma CiMi.CON is the only European knowledge & project exchange platform bringing together 120+ senior level intelligence, market access and pricing strategists, evangelists and practitioners from the pharma and biotech spectrum. Position your business as a thought leader at Pharma CiMi.CON. Join our partners today! THE EVENT AT A GLANCE!
Homepage - Comic-Con International
Home to Comic-Con ®, WonderCon ®, SAM: Storytelling Across Media ®, and Comic-Con ® Museum. San Diego Comic Convention is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation dedicated to creating the general public’s awareness of and appreciation for comics and related popular art forms.
AGENDA - CiMi.CON Evolution
Welcome to the CIMICON Evolution Europe 2025! SAY HELLO! Get the show on the road! To warm up for the event we invite you to share your expectations in the event chat & discover who is joining the conference. Have your business cards ready!
EVENT INFO - CiMi.CON Evolution
How to plan your event? Located in the middle of Berlin, between the Brandenburg Gate and the Gendarmenmarkt, this art and designer hotel is located directly on Friedrichstraße. Modern architecture, harmonious design and expressive art create a unique ambience.
CIMICON Event Series - LinkedIn
Leading Competitive and Market Intelligence Events in Europe. On this page we share CIMICON Event Series updates, interviews from previous events, case studies, survey reports, reviews, and much...
Página de inicio - Comic-Con International
La Convención del Cómic de San Diego (Comic-Con International) es una sociedad anónima sin ánimo de lucro organizada con fines benéficos y dedicada a sensibilizar al público en general y a fomentar el aprecio por los cómics y las formas artísticas populares relacionadas, incluyendo la participación y el apoyo a presentaciones públicas, convenciones, exposiciones, museos y …
CIMICON Awards | Pharma CiMi.CON
Jan 1st – Aug 31st: Submit your project by filling in the online application form. Sep 12th: The nominees will be announced and asked to prepare a short presentation about their CI/MI project. Sep 18th: The winners of the CIMICON Awards will be announced during a live voting session.
- Some results have been removed