Cimon (robot) - Wikipedia
Cimon or officially CIMON (C rew I nteractive Mo bile companio n) is a head-shaped AI robot used in the International Space Station. The device is "an AI-based assistant for astronauts" developed by Airbus and IBM, with funding from the German Aerospace Center. [1] .
Meet CIMON-2, a new and improved robotic AI astronaut
2019年12月5日 · Now, a new and improved version of the robot — CIMON-2 — launched into orbit on Thursday, where it will soon join the International Space Station crew and aid astronauts.
IBM的CIMON:太空探索中的AI助手 - 飞书云文档
IBM公司推出的CIMON(Crew Interactive Mobile Companion)作为首个AI驱动的宇航员助手,开启了太空探索的新篇章。 CIMON的诞生是科技与太空探索需求相结合的产物。 在太空环境中,宇航员面临着诸多挑战,他们需要处理复杂的任务,同时还要应对各种突发情况。 传统的辅助工具可能存在一定的局限性,而CIMON的出现则为宇航员提供了更加智能和便捷的支持。 从技术层面来看,CIMON具备强大的人工智能算法。 它能够理解宇航员的指令,快速准确地提供相关信息 …
The International Space Station’s New AI-Powered Bot Is ... - Gizmodo
2018年6月29日 · Introducing CIMON, a floating, basketball-sized robot that will serve as a companion and assistant to crew members aboard the International Space Station. Infused with artificial intelligence,...
Astronauts in space will soon resurrect an AI robot friend called CIMON
2021年9月7日 · The AI-powered robot CIMON that previously supported two European astronauts during missions to the International Space Station has received a software upgrade that will enable it to perform...
The Floating Robot With an IBM Brain Is Headed to Space
2018年6月28日 · The bot’s full name is Crew Interactive Mobile Companion: Cimon. It looks like one of those spherical pool speakers, if you replaced the speaker with a screen that displays a line-sketch face ...
西蒙(机器人) - 全球百科
西蒙或正式的CIMON(船员互动移动伴侣)是国际空间站中使用的头形人工智能机器人。 该设备是一个基于人工智能的宇航员助手,由空中客车公司和IBM公司在德国航空航天中心的资助下开发。 该设备以动漫系列《未来队长》中的飞行大脑西蒙-赖特教授的角色为模型。 西蒙运行在Ubuntu系统上,而其自然语言能力由IBMWatson提供。 CIMON利用风扇在空间站内进行机动。 Cimon的目标是减少压力。 Cimon的顾... 西蒙或正式的CIMON(船员互动移动伴侣)是国际 …
Floating robot Cimon sent to International Space Station
2018年6月29日 · Dubbed Cimon (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion), the device is intended as an "an AI-based assistant for astronauts". Cimon weighs 5kg but in zero gravity it will float move around thanks to...
CIMON Says: Design Lessons in Space | Mouser - Mouser Electronics
CIMON, or as it is more formally known, the Crew Interactive MObile CompanioN, is a 320mm in diameter, 5kg, a robotic brain that can speak, hear, see, and understand. CIMON is an artificial intelligence (AI) assistant in the form of a plastic spherical head with no body.
The debut of a new ISS AI robot ‘crew member’ went exactly how …
2018年12月2日 · Earlier this year, the International Space Station got a new “crew member” of sorts: CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion), an interactive AI assistant that can float around the station and...