Axiom Space Research | CIMON
This project is developing and testing an artificial intelligence (AI) powered free-flying companion, called CIMON, to support crew and help with mission efficiency during long-term missions. CIMON can fly freely through the ISS to support crew as they perform tasks and can respond to verbal commands.
IBM的CIMON:太空探索中的AI助手 - 飞书云文档
IBM公司推出的CIMON(Crew Interactive Mobile Companion)作为首个AI驱动的宇航员助手,开启了太空探索的新篇章。 CIMON的诞生是科技与太空探索需求相结合的产物。 在太空环境中,宇航员面临着诸多挑战,他们需要处理复杂的任务,同时还要应对各种突发情况。 传统的辅助工具可能存在一定的局限性,而CIMON的出现则为宇航员提供了更加智能和便捷的支持。 从技术层面来看,CIMON具备强大的人工智能算法。 它能够理解宇航员的指令,快速准确地提供相关信息 …
西蒙(机器人) - 全球百科
西蒙或正式的CIMON(船员互动移动伴侣)是国际空间站中使用的头形人工智能机器人。 该设备是一个基于人工智能的宇航员助手,由空中客车公司和IBM公司在德国航空航天中心的资助下开发。 该设备以动漫系列《未来队长》中的飞行大脑西蒙-赖特教授的角色为模型。 西蒙运行在Ubuntu系统上,而其自然语言能力由IBMWatson提供。 CIMON利用风扇在空间站内进行机动。 Cimon的目标是减少压力。 Cimon的顾... 西蒙或正式的CIMON(船员互动移动伴侣)是国际 …
CIMON:从太空突击队到国际空间站的人工智能助手 - AI工具 - 新 …
2023年7月8日 · cimon是一款能够在国际空间站中为宇航员提供辅助工作,同时陪伴聊天调节气氛的智能机器人。 本文介绍了CIMON的诞生历程、技术原理、个性设计以及在太空中的表现,展示了人与机器、宇航员
Cimon Real Estate Team, Ottawa real estate: House, Row / …
Listing Provided By: Cimon Real Estate Team. Looking for an affordable, open-concept, move-in ready home within a well-located mature neighbourhood? You will be pleasantly surprised by the natural light flooding through as the main floor has been re-imagined, and re-designed into a more desi... Read More
CIMON CICON software is a state-of-the-art PLC programming package that puts your industry needs at the forefront. From innovative PLC program editing to unceasing project monitoring and management, CIMON CICON makes everyday automation operations run …
Index register used to indirectly indicate the address of device memory. CIMON PLC CPU provides 16 index registers. Each register can store offset value in 16-bit.
CIMON in an industrial automation company that produces the best rated HMI, PLC and SCADA software for industrial automation. Automate your operations today
CIMON有限公司|自动化世界 - myenum.com
CIMON公益机构包括四核CPU(FANLESS),高性能,低功耗SSD 128GB,安装CIMON-SCADA(CIMON-TOUCH),高分辨率显示屏和抛光设计,快速,简单的数据库功能,以太网,串口(RS-232C /422/485),USB端口,KC / FCC / CE / UL / IP65,AC的证书110〜240V(12” 和15” )和铝压铸壳体(12” 和15” 。 多年的商业: 21. 在职员工人数: 250. 所有CIMON硬件自带 3年 完成更换保修。 CIMON软件是免费提供的成本,报价 自由 无限的技术 …
CIMON SCADA로 MYSQL사용 예제 - 네이버 블로그
CIMON SCADA를 사용하여 MYSQL에 정보를 올려 보겠습니다. SCADA : CIMON-SCADA V3.90 (32bit) 1. PLC 데이터를 생성한다. : PLC에서 데이터를 생성합니다. 본 강좌에서는 생략합니다. 존재하지 않는 이미지입니다. 2. MYSQL connection 설정을 합니다. : CIMON SCADA는 32bit application이므로 32bit용으로 설정해야합니다. (64bit Windows는 32bit app도 함께 지원합니다.) - 실행창에서 odbc로 검색하여 ODBC 데이터 원본 관리자 (32비트)를 실행합니다. - 사용자 …