Guidelines - ASCCP
Screening recommendations for the identification of precursors and prevention of cervical cancer. Risk-based Management Guidelines for the abnormal screening results, including post-colposcopy or post-treatment scenarios.
2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines for Abnormal ...
New data for these guidelines find that the risk of CIN 3+ is substantially reduced after a documented negative HPV primary screening test or cotest or normal colposcopic examination with biopsy confirmation of less than CIN 2. 5 Based on lower CIN 3+ risks, 1-year surveillance, not colposcopy, is recommended for most patients with new HPV ...
Updated Guidelines for Management of Cervical Cancer Screening ... - ACOG
The new guidelines provide risk thresholds for clinical action (Table 1) and establish risk estimates for the development of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN 3), adenocarcinoma in situ, or cancer (ie, CIN 3+) for different combinations of test results.
2019年6月10日 · CIN 2 or 3 are high grade cervical abnormalities that are found by doing a cervical biopsy. What causes high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN 2 and CIN 3)? CIN 2 or 3 is caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV).
ASCCP Management Guidelines Web Application
The 2012 consensus guidelines were the first to be based on the principle of equal management for equal risk, specifically, the risk of a patient developing cervical cancer, estimated by the surrogate endpoint of the 5-year risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 3 (CIN3) or more severe diagnoses (CIN3+), regardless of which test ...
The 2019 ASCCP guidelines align management recommendations with current understanding of HPV natural history and cervical carcinogenesis.
【指南解读】2019 ASCCP 基于风险的子宫颈癌筛查结果异常的管 …
2019ASCCP 工作组回顾多项数据发现,直接转诊阴道镜患者当前发生 CIN3+ 的风险为 3%~7%。 该风险应由当前筛查结果和既往病史(包括未知病史)以及既往宫颈病变治疗情况综合评估。 即使相同的当前筛查结果,根据既往筛查史评估后会有不同的管理建议。 总体评估原则:根据当前筛查和既往筛查结果,如当前 CIN3+ 风险≥4%,应立即进行阴道镜检查或治疗;如当前 CIN3 风险<4%,则评估其 5 年内发生 CIN3+ 风险,以确定患者是否应在 1 年、3 年或 5 年后进行随访 …
ASCCP新指南解读9:CIN的处理原则 - 宫颈癌病变,宫颈癌病变处理原则,,宫颈癌病变治疗方法,CIN的处理原则,CIN
2018年6月19日 · 四、2013年美国宫颈和阴道镜病理协会 (ASCCP)指南对CINI治疗及随诊建议: (一).病理证实的CINI,之前为轻度异常 (轻度异常包括:细胞学结果为ASCUS、LSIL者;HPV16型阳性或者18型阳性;HPV超过一年的持续性感染); a 观察一年不予治疗。 b 12个月时复查TCT和HPV,如果均为阴性,则每年复查,直至3年。 c 3年后为阴性,则以后按照正常人群的筛查程序进行。 d 3年内任意一次出现超过或等于ASC-US,或者任意一次HPV阳性,则做阴道镜,如果 …
Risk Estimates Supporting the 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based …
The 2019 American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines describe 6 clinical actions that providers can use when managing patients with abnormal cervical cancer screening test results: treatment; optional treatment or colposcopy/biopsy; colposcopy/biopsy; 1-year surveillance; 3-year ...
Enduring Consensus Cervical Cancer Screening and Management …
The 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines for the management of cervical cancer screening abnormalities recommend one of six clinical actions based on the risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN 3), adenocarcinoma in situ, or cancer (CIN 3+) for the many different combinations of current and recent past screening ...