Cisalpino - Wikipedia
Cisalpino AG (Aktiengesellschaft) was a railway company, referred to as CIS in timetables, operating international trains between Switzerland and Italy connecting Basel, Schaffhausen, Zurich, Geneva, Milan, Venice, Trieste, Livorno, and Florence.
Cisalpino - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cisalpino为连接瑞士与意大利的快速列车。由瑞士鐵路局與2間意大利公司共同擁有。列車日常保養由威尼斯的車廠和瑞士負責。乘務員由意大利提供而餐飲由羅馬一間公司提供。不過,列車股份公司總部則設在瑞士。 Cisalpino部分路程经下列车站: 德国:
Cisalpino - European Trains - European Rail Guide
With routes between Germany, Switzerland and Italy, the Cisalpino offers further choice to the traveller. This high-speed, tilting train carries the European rail traveler in the most modern environment surrounded by some of the most spectacular views.
チザルピーノ - Wikipedia
チザルピーノ(Cisalpino)は、1993年から2009年までの間に列車を運行していた鉄道会社(Cisalpino AG)。 または、その会社が運行していた ドイツ 、 スイス 、 イタリア を結ぶ 特急列車 の愛称である。
Cisalpin (train) - Wikipedia
The Cisalpin was an express train that linked Paris-Gare de Lyon in Paris, France, with Milano Centrale in Milan, Italy.Introduced in 1961, it was operated by the SNCF, the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS) and the Italian State Railways (FS).. The train's name literally means "this side of the Alps"; it is the Roman name for the Po Valley, which was seen as a plain at the foot of the Roman ...
Cisalpino — Wikipédia
Cisalpino AG, en abrégé CIS, était une entreprise ferroviaire suisse, dont le siège social était basé à Muri, près de Berne, filiale commune des CFF (50 %) et de Trenitalia (50 %). Elle faisait circuler une trentaine de trains par jour sur plusieurs destinations entre la …
Cisalpino Trains - Rail Tours - Great Rail Journeys
Cisalpino is a service run jointly by Italian and Swiss railways, connecting the two countries through the Alpine passes. The trains themselves are either traditional EuroCity trains or Pendolino tilting trains.
Cisalpino - Trains
The Cisalpino is a high-speed train that interconnects Basel, Geneva, Zürich, Milan, Venice, and Florence. The tilting train (colloquially known as "Pendolino"), the Italian ETR 470, provides a comfortable and fast connection between Italy and Switzerland.
Cisalpino - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Cisalpino AG fue una sociedad integrada por Trenitalia y los SBB-CFF-FFS dedicada al transporte ferroviario de viajeros en alta velocidad entre Suiza e Italia. La empresa [ editar ]
Category : Cisalpino - Wikimedia
Media in category "Cisalpino" The following 33 files are in this category, out of 33 total.