Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switch Data Sheet
Cisco ® Catalyst ® 9400 Series switches are Cisco’s lead modular enterprise access switching platform and as part of the Catalyst 9000 family, are built to transform your network to handle a hybrid world where the workplace is anywhere, endpoints could be anything, and applications are hosted all over the place.
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches offer security and bring exceptional automation, analytics, speed, and scale to your access network.
Cisco Catalyst 9400 系列交换机
C9400-LC-48HN。 旨在支持安全的 Wi-Fi 6/6E 高速接入和 90W Cisco UPOE+ 智能楼宇部署。 48 端口 5G/2.5G/1G 多千兆,1000M/100M。 结合 SUP-2XL 使用时,最多可支持 384 个无阻塞端口。
Cisco Catalyst 9400 is the next generation of the industry’s most widely deployed enterprise switching platform. These modular access switches are built for security, Internet of Things (IoT), and the cloud.
The Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series switches are Cisco’s leading modular enterprise switching access, distribution and core platform built for security, IoT and cloud.
Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series Switches product video
2025年3月14日 · The Cisco Catalyst 9400 Series, including the new Catalyst 9400X model, are modular access switches built for security, flexibility, IoT, and smart buildings.
思科Cisco Catalyst 9400 - 中关村在线
ZOL中关村在线提供思科Cisco Catalyst 9400系列交换机所有单品的型号、报价、配置、评测、行情、图片、论坛、点评、视频、驱动下载等内容,以及思科Cisco Catalyst 9400系列交换机的经销商报价,为您购买思科Cisco Catalyst 9400交换机提供全面的参考
Catalyst 9400 Series introduces the X Factor - Cisco Community
2022年2月25日 · The expanded portfolio of the Cisco Catalyst® 9400 Series switches enables the same chassis to now provide non-oversubscribed 9.6 Tbps system bandwidth (with SUP-2XL) and industry-leading power over ethernet delivery with high-density IEEE 802.3bt PoE (60 …
Cisco Catalyst 9400 系列交换机-紫光晓通科技有限公司|网络|无线
思科Catalyst® 9400 系列交换机是思科专为安全、物联网和云打造的主打模块化企业交换接入、分布及核心平台。 该系列交换机是思科企业架构SD-Access 的基本组件。
基于情景的分析 思科 Catalyst® 9400 系列交换机是思科专为安全性、物联网和云打造的主打模块化企业交换接入平台。 该系列交换机是思科领先的企业架构 - SD-Access 的基本组件。 该平台通过能够支持高达 9 Tbps 系统带宽的机箱架构实现无与伦比的投资保护,并提供无可比拟的高密度 IEEE 802.3BT 功率输出 (60W PoE) 。 现在,整个产品组合都具有提供冗余能力的优势。 Catalyst 9400 通过上行链路恢复能力、N+1/N+N 电源冗余等功能提供一流的高可用性 (HA)。 该平台面 …