Importance of BPDU Guard and BPDU Filter !! - Cisco Community
2010年6月30日 · Global mode spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default (It enables bpdufiltering on ports that have port-fast configuration, so it sends a few bpdu while enabling port then it filters bdpu unless receives a bpdu, after that it changes from port-fast mode and disables filtering for port to operate like a normal port because it has received bpdu).
When is it appropriate to use "spanning-tree bpdufilter enable"
Global mode: spanning-tree portfast bpdufilter default (It enables bpdufiltering on ports that have port-fast configuration, so it sends a few bpdu while enabling port then it filters bdpu unless receives a bpdu, after that itchanges from port-fast mode and disables filtering for port to operate like a normal port cause it has received bpdu).
Solved: BPDU Guard commands - Cisco Community
2012年9月21日 · Hello everybody, I'm a CCNP student from Italy. I have a doubt about BPDU Guard commands. If you have read "CCNP Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)", the BPDU Guard section explain the fallowing: To enable BPDU Guard or to disable BPDU Guard on a Cisco IOS–based Catalyst switch, use t...
Solved: BPDU filter - Cisco Community
2019年2月15日 · After some study, I understand that BPDU filter global command will enable BPDU filter on PortFast enabled ports and stop those ports from send/receive BPDUs. According to Cisco article, if those ports received BPDUs, PortFast will lose it state and go back normal STP transition and BPDU filtering a...
Preventing outgoing BPDUs without BPDU filter - Cisco Community
2014年7月24日 · Hi, We all know about preventing outgoing BPDUs in users ports using the BPDU filter command and, we also know how this command disables STP in those port where applied, leaving this ports unsecured against STP attacks. So, how can we restrict these outgoing BPDUs without disabling STP and compromis...
Solved: BPDU detection - Cisco Community
2009年11月27日 · I suspect that one of providers do not propagate BPDUs, or drop some of BPDUs. 1) with "show spanning-tree interface fastethernet 0/1 detail" I can see BPDU sent and received on interface 0/1. Are those BPDU counters refered only to configuration BPDUs? Configuration BPDUs only flow from root toward downstream switches, is that correct?
Fonctionnalités avancées de Spanning Tree - Cisco Community
De la même manière que la fonction PortFast, le BPDU Guard dispose de deux options de configuration : Globale (spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default) et par interface (spanning-tree bpduguard enable). Comme le montre la syntaxe de la commande, si BPDU Guard est configuré de manière globale, cela dépend du statut opérationnel de PortFast.
Solved: BPDU Guard vs BPDU FIlter - Cisco Community
2006年5月19日 · Could anyone suggest some possible scenarios where yuo would want a global config enabled for both BPDU-Guard and BPDU-Filter. If you are filtering on a port to not send BPDUs, what use would you have for BPDU-Guard?
BPDU packets - fast way to verify all interfaces on a switch - Cisco ...
2016年12月14日 · Is there a "range" command to verify if BPDU packets are being sent/recieved on all the interfaces on a switch at the same time? Or do you have to run the command: switch#show spanning-tree interface g1/0/52 detail | i BPDU BPDU: sent 3,
Solved: BPDU & CPU - Cisco Community
2008年1月15日 · Dear all portfast blocks a port from sending or receiving BPDUs (as defined by documentation). 1-When Switch creates BPDU packets, and floods them. is this CPU handeled? 2- are BPDUs still forwarded to interface configured with portfast & bpdufilter and interface drops this traffic or does the sw...