Release Notes for Cisco CRS Routers, IOS XR Release 6.7.4
2019年12月15日 · This table lists the Cisco IOS XR Software feature set matrix (PIE files) and associated filenames available for the Cisco IOS XR Software Release 6.7.4 supported on the Cisco CRS router. Table 2. Cisco IOS XR Software Release 6.7.4 PIE Files
Cisco Public Installing and Updating Third Party Packages •Third Party Packages are traditional Linux tools available from the Shell • Communication: lighttpd ,openssh, wget, curl, etc. • Programing: python, ruby, perl, etc. • Utilities: sed, gawk, tar, gzip, vi, etc. •Additional packages provided by vendors (No Cisco Support) • Chef
已解决: IOS-XR升级问题 - Cisco Community
2018年7月11日 · RP/0/RP0/CPU0: LAB-CRS-1(admin)#install activate disk0:hfr-mini-px-4.2.4 disk0:hfr-mgbl-px-4.2.4 sync Rockyw | If it solves your problem, please mark as answer. Thanks !
CISCO-FABRIC-HFR-MIB - mibs.observium.org
Cisco Enhanced Benes fabric MIB module. This MIB module is used for managing/tracking the Ehanced Benes Fabric entities and/or fabric related configuration, state and statistics information. The fabric entities relationship is shown as follows: Acronyms and terms: RP - Routing processor.
System Security Command Reference for Cisco CRS Routers
2020年8月27日 · Install and activate the hfr-k9sec-px.pie file before using this command. For the configuration to take effect, reload the router by using the reload command in the admin mode. Use the show logging command to display the contents of logging buffers. You can use the show logging | i fips command to filter FIPS specific logging messages.
CISCO IOS XR软件补丁(SMU)安装操作 - CSDN博客
2015年1月14日 · 1、首先,将 SMU 安装包上传到 IOS XR 路由器本地磁盘,通过查看指定磁盘目录,可以看到将要安装的 SMU 安装包,如下所示: RP/0/RP0/CPU0:MC-LCC0-40G#dir harddisk:/smu. Thu Jan 15 08:07:22.089 UTC. Directory of harddisk:/smu. 59041 -rwx 368158 Wed Jan 14 07:09:20 2015 hfr-px-5.1.4.CSCur74848.pie. 2014288 -rwx 1393642 Wed Jan 14 07:10:07 2015 hfr-px-5.1.4.CSCur39971.pie.
yang/vendor/cisco/xr/662/hfr-px/Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd …
YANG modules from standards organizations such as the IETF, The IEEE, The Metro Ethernet Forum, open source such as Open Daylight or vendor specific modules - YangModels/yang
Disk utilization characteristic data for IOS-XR image - Cisco …
2016年11月15日 · Due to the increasing number of SMUs in XR releases, memory issues are observed during SMU installation. You can find the disk memory details for various flavors of Routing Processor (RSP/RP) in the below mentioned installation phases. Recommendation on upgrade/downgrade IOS-XR image:
Install and activate the hfr-k9sec-px.pie file. You must be in a user group associated with a task group that includes the proper task IDs. The command reference guides include the task IDs …
Question on CTS-3010 option - Cisco Community
2012年2月9日 · High frame codec’s are used for getting a presentation at 30fps. For China locations we have separate parts mostly its part id ending with “CH” .Which shows that it for China Customers. If the installation is going to happen in China then …