Cisco IGS Router Series - Retirement Notification
1993年1月1日 · The Cisco IGS Router Series has been retired and is no longer supported. You can view a listing of available Branch Routers offerings that best meet your specific needs. If you want support information for the Cisco IGS Router Series documentation, it may be available through Cisco.com Search or in the Cisco Community.
Anyone here ever work on Cisco's first routers (AGS, MGS, CGS, IGS)?
2024年3月28日 · I was just thinking about how in the early 2000's when I was just a wee little lad (like 18), I wonder a pallet full of Cisco AGS, MGS, IGS, and CGS routers for $1. It cost over $100 to ship it, but it was awesome. I tried using them to study, but
IGS Router Data Sheet - Cisco Archive Collection
IGS Router Data Sheet. 1991. Product brief describing the features of the new Cisco's IGS router, a cost-effective, multiprotocol, internetworking solution for linking small- and medium-sized Ethernet networks. Documents. Data Sheet. hardware. ethernet. IGS. router. data sheets. Cisco Systems, Inc. 6 pages. eng. D105.
End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco 1941 …
2018年8月28日 · Service prices for Cisco products are subject to change after the product End-of-Sale date. The Cisco Takeback and Recycle program helps businesses properly dispose of surplus products that have reached their end of useful life. The program is open to all business users of Cisco equipment and its associated brands and subsidiaries.
思科向犹他大学售出了第一台路由器——AGS(高级网关服务器)。 思科从Sequoia Capital接受了200万美元的风险投资。 思科开发出内部网关路由协议,这是第一个允许建立大型公共网络的协议。 UUNET售出第一条商用互联网连接。 John Morgridge加入思科,任总裁兼CEO。 思科开始出售多端口通信接口(MCI),这是当时速度最高的网络接口。 思科共开发出了三种产品,员工人数为111名,年总收入为2700万美元。 互联网主机数量突破100,000台。 思科于2月16日上市。 思 …
Anyone here ever work on Cisco's first routers (AGS, MGS, CGS, IGS)?
I also did some testing of Cisco's first ATM switch, the A100. It was a very plain black box about the size of the AGS router with about 12 ports and one small LED power/status light on it and a simple CLI for setting up the switching paths between the various ports.
switch planet layer 2 pl-igs-10020pt - Cisco Community
2019年8月9日 · i have a problem with switch planet layer 2 pl-igs-10020pt but i need for cisco help me to give me a forum for switch planet that i can send my request . thanks in advance
Cisco IGS router/bridge - TechExams Community
Here is the show version: cisco IGS (68020) processor (revision I) with 4096K/512K bytes of memory. 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface. 16K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. the cosmetic company called Urban Cosmetic owned by the wife of …
IGS Router Password Recovery - Cisco Community
2002年1月28日 · Have a IGS Router that hasn't been used in a few years. Can login but nobody knows the enable password. Have linked to router with V220 terminal and a PC with Hyperterminal on a rollover cable linking the com ports. In both cases cannot get the router to respond to break key as per password recovery instructions from Cisco.
Cisco IGS/R EOL & EOSL Dates - Service Express EOL & EOSL …
Find accurate End of Life (EOL) & End of Service Life (EOSL) dates for Cisco NETWORK hardware. Search our database for more.