Cislin 25 - Insecticide - Pest Management - Envu
Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide is a premium quality deltamethrin suspension concentrate containing 25 g/L deltamethrin.
Cislin® - Envu Malaysia
Cislin® is an emulsifiable concentrate based on the extremely potent residual pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin; combining rapid knockdown and good flushing effect. It has broad spectrum insecticidal activity and is suitable for use by professional operators in domestic, industrial and public health situations.
Cislin® 25 EC - Anti Rayap Ampuh - Envu
Cislin® 25 EC adalah insektisida berbentuk konsentrat yang dapat diemulsikan, berasal dari golongan pyrethroid, memiliki kecepatan knockdown dan efek flushing yang baik. Cislin® 25 EC memiliki efek langsung pada rayap dan akan memberikan kontrol infestasi dengan mengendalikan nimfa, rayap dewasa dan rayap yang menyerang dari lokasi lain.
Cislin® | Bayer
Cislin® es un insecticida piretroide especialmente diseñado por Bayer para plagas urbanas y periurbanas en campañas de municipalidades y organismos públicos
Buy Bayer Cislin® Rapid Knockdown Insecticide and Pesticide
Cislin® is an emulsifiable concentrate based on the extremely potent residual pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin; combining rapid knockdown and good flushing effect. It has broad spectrum insecticidal activity and is suitable for use by professional operators in domestic, industrial and public health situations.
Cislin 25 is a suspension concentrate formulation intended to be applied diluted, as a residual surface spray. A range of different types of spray application equipment may be used to apply it.
Cislin 25 Insecticide - Agserv Pest Control Supplies
Cislin 25 - Broad spectrum low odour insecticide with excellent residual activity. For the control of spiders, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, ants, and more.
To be used by licensed commercial pest control operators only (except for timber treatment) * L
Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide - Globe Pest Solutions
Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide is a broad spectrum low odour insecticide with excellent residual activity. Cislar 25 is registred for the control of spiders, cockroaches, fleas, bed bugs, bird mites, silverfish, ants, spiders, carpet beetles, clothes moth, …
Cislin 25 Professional Insecticide has been used on a wide range of ornamental plant species without damage. However, some species and varieties are particularly sensitive to chemical sprays and as this is often related to local conditions it is advisable to treat only a small number of plants first, in order to ascertain their reaction before ...