How to Cite - RCSB: PDB-101
Please cite PDB-101 (PDB101.rcsb.org). Reference for PDB-101: PDB-101: Educational resources supporting molecular explorations through biology and medicine. Christine Zardecki, Shuchismita Dutta, David S. Goodsell, Robert Lowe, Maria Voigt, Stephen K. Burley. (2022) Protein Science 31: 129-140 https://doi.org/10.1002/pro.4200. Reference for ...
Citing the wwPDB and the PDB archive - Protein Data Bank
Citing PDB Structures. PDB entries are assigned a PDB ID that corresponds to a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and in many cases, are described in a publication by the structure authors. DOIs for PDB structures follow the format: 10.2210/pdbXXXX/pdb, where XXXX is replaced with the PDB ID (e.g.,https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb4hhb/pdb). DOI ...
Policies and Logo - RCSB PDB
A PDB structure with a corresponding publication should be referenced by PDB ID and cited using both the corresponding DOI citation and publication. Example: PDB ID: 1ema. DOI Citation: M. Ormo, S.J. Remington, Green fluorescent protein from Aequorea victoria (1996) https://doi.org/10.2210/pdb1ema/pdb
Citing Us | Protein Data Bank in Europe - EMBL-EBI
Citing a PDB entry: If you have used the data relating to a specific PDB entry or collection of related entries then please cite the publication describing the entry or entries. Citing images on the PDBe website:
如何引用蛋白序列数据库 | PingCode智库
2024年9月10日 · PDB 是一个专门收集和提供蛋白质三维结构数据的数据库,广泛应用于结构生物学研究。 PDB的特点在于其 详细的三维结构信息,可以帮助研究人员理解蛋白质的功能和机制。 引用PDB时,需要包括PDB ID、数据访问日期和具体的引用格式。 在学术研究中,正确引用数据库不仅是对原作者的尊重,也是确保研究结果可重复的重要环节。 不同的数据库有不同的引用格式,以下是一些常见的引用格式。 1. UniProt引用格式. 引用UniProt数据库时,需要包括数据库 …
RCSB PDB: Homepage
RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) enables breakthroughs in science and education by providing access and tools for exploration, visualization, and analysis of: These data can be explored in context of external annotations providing a structural view of biology. 3D visualization for PDB structures and ligand binding sites.
RCSB PDB: www.rcsb.org
Papers citing the inaugural RCSB PDB publication had a citation-based impact exceeding the world-average in 16 scientific fields including Biology & Biochemistry, Computer Science, Plant & Animal Sciences, Physics, Environment/Ecology, Mathematics and Geosciences.
wwPDB: Instructions to Journals - Protein Data Bank
Structures can be cited in the article using the PDB ID: The atomic coordinates and experimental data (code 1abc) have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (www.wwpdb.org).
Citation page | PDBe - EMBL-EBI
The citation page, accessed by clicking on the citation title, shows publications which are related to the entry. A particular PDB entry can be related to different types of citation (Figure 9). Figure 9 Different types of citation information can be related to a particular PDB entry.
Cite Us / Terms and Conditions - Protein Data Bank Japan - PDBj
2020年10月30日 · Please cite PDBj or PDBj services with the following references listed below. Please also refer to Terms and Conditions on using contents in PDBj site. Also see "Cite a PDB structure entry" to cite an individual PDB entry. Please cite "PDBj" with references (29) (30) (36) in the list of publications.