Free AI City Planner (No Login Required)
Generate comprehensive urban development plans with our free AI-powered City Planner. It's completely free and requires no login.
Free AI City Generator (No Login Required)
Let AI create unique city visualizations based on your specifications. Choose from realistic, futuristic, cyberpunk, and other urban styles. Customize time of day and weather conditions for perfect ambiance. Generate scenes from different viewpoints and angles. Create detailed urban environments with accurate architectural elements.
Top games tagged City Builder and No AI - itch.io
Find games tagged City Builder and No AI like Kid Blocks, Hive Time, My Cabin, Deep Space Outpost - Demo, Deluge Suites on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
CityDreamer4D - 南洋理工推出的无边界 4D 城市建模框架 | AI工具集
CityDreamer4D是南洋理工大学 S-Lab 团队开发的用于生成无边界 4D 城市的组合生成模型。 将动态物体(如车辆)与静态场景(如建筑和道路)分离,通过三个模块——建筑实例生成器、车辆实例生成器和城市背景生成器,基于高效的鸟瞰图场景表示法来生成城市场景。 模型构建了包括 OSM、GoogleEarth 和 CityTopia 在内的多个数据集,涵盖多视角和多光照条件。 CityDreamer4D 能生成逼真的 4D 城市,支持城市风格化、局部编辑和城市模拟等应用。 无边界 4D 城市生 …
Futuristic City Design Generator - (Free, No Signup AI Tool)
AI-powered indoor space visualizer for stunning interiors. Revolutionize urban planning with our Futuristic City Design Generator. Create visionary, sustainable metropolitan concepts spanning from underwater to space colonies. Ideal for urban planners, architects, and innovators seeking cutting-edge, adaptive city designs.
Free AI Map Generator (No Login Required)
Enter a detailed description of the map you want to create. Select style, type, theme, and other map preferences. Let AI create detailed map visualizations based on your specifications. …
Ai City - Wikipedia
Ai City (アイ・シティ, Ai Shiti, trans. Love City) is a Japanese science fiction manga created by Syufo (real name Shūhō Itahashi (板橋 しゅうほう, Itahashi Shūhō)). The story was later adapted into an anime film directed by Kōichi Mashimo and released on July 26, 1986.
CITY AI - 生成式城市设计
智能创意,无限可能 AI绘图、工程规划、桥梁、道路、景观、设计师的创意加速器! 只需轻松输入提示词或上传底图,瞬间呈现令人惊艳的创意图和效果图。 立即使用
The AI City | SpringerLink
This open access book presents the concept of AI Cites for the first time. It includes the theoretical basis, development frontier, and different application scenarios of artificial intelligence cities. The book is accompanied by rich practical cases to conduct in-depth and detailed discussions on the proposition of artificial intelligence cities.
OpenCityAI · AI for City Data
OpenCityAI is a state-of-the-art AI chatbot trained on a massive amount of public city information, able to generate accurate responses with citations for any city data question.
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