Horn of Africa / Operation Octave Shield - America's Codebook: …
Summary: Operation Enduring Freedom – Horn of Africa (OEF-HOA) supported partner nation military operations in Somalia and elsewhere in the Horn of Africa Combined Joint Operating Area (CJOA) to defeat the Al Qaeda network and associated forces, conducted focused military-to-military engagement to strengthen East African partner nation ...
Objective” for the CJOA. Using the standard military decision-making pro-cess (MDMP), the Operations Planning Group (OPG) develops the comman-der’s intent. The CJTF-180 comman-der’s intent is defined along the three lines of operations: Enable Afghan in-stitutions; Assist in removing the causes of instability, and Deny the enemy sanc-
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve
Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF–OIR) is a multinational military formation established by the U.S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State with the stated aim to "degrade and destroy" the organization. [18] .
2 天之前 · BAGHDAD, Iraq – On February 3, 2025, Coalition service members will be conducting live fire operational exercises in or near the Erbil and Khalidyah regions in Iraq to validate weapons systems and maintain crew proficiency... The official website of Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve.
CJTF - HOA - Combined Joint Task Force
2023年12月19日 · Service members and civilian employees of all different ages, hailing from every corner of the world with different outlooks and experiences are here serving a single mission. Among them is Hassan Ali, a resident of Virginia, a U.S. citizen since 2012, a member of CJTF-HOA, and a native of Djibouti.
2017年7月22日 · Combined Joint Operations Area (CJOA) of Iraq and Syria. III Corps assumed authority of CJTF-OIR from ARCENT on 22 September 2015 and immediately initiated an aggressive plan to increase pressure on ISIS and bring new capabilities
Maj. Inso Wesley (left) and Capt. Brian Mathena (right) - PICRYL
Maj. Inso Wesley (left) and Capt. Brian Mathena (right) look over the combined joint operating area (CJOA) map of the the notional country of Atropia during the Global Medic Combat Support Training Exercise (CSTX) at Camp Roberts, Calif. 332nd MED BDE, apart of the 3d Medical Command (Deployment Support), participated in the event as the ...
U.S. Army soldiers with the East Africa Response Force (EARF), assigned to Combined Joint Task Force – Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA), give a class on a troop leading procedures with U.S Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF) and the Tanzania People's Defense Force (TPDF) during day four of multinational exercise Justified Accord (JA25)...
2023年1月19日 · “Through unified action with United States and international partners in East Africa, the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) conducts security force assistance, executes military...
SUBJECT: Current Resolute Support Call Forward Memo process for Contractor movement in the Combined Joint Operations Area - Afghanistan (CJOA-A). The COVID-19 outbreak requires the Resolute Support Mission (RSM) to take decisive action to protect the mission and its personnel.