Home - Court of Justice of the European Union - CURIA
2025年3月6日 · The official website of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which delivers judgments and opinions on EU law. Find information on cases, news, traineeships, library and …
仅显示来自 curia.europa.eu 的搜索结果- Presentation
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Court of Justice and the General …
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Press releases are intended to inform the general public and journalists in an …
- Court of Justice
Court of Justice of the European Union. Toggle navigation. The Institution . …
- Annual Reports
- Foreword by Mr V. Skouris, President of the Court of Justice - Proceedings of the …
- Procedure
Court of Justice of the European Union. Texts governing procedure. …
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Organisational chart. The Registrar of the Court of Justice, under the authority of …
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Court of Justice of the European Union Registry of the Court Rue du Fort …
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Court of Justice of the European Union. Si votre question concerne la procédure …
- General Court
Born on 19 February 1934; Italian national; Judge, Naples District Court; Judge at …
Court of Justice of the European Union - Wikipedia
The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) (French: Cour de justice de l'Union européenne or "CJUE"; Latin: Curia ) is the judicial branch of the European Union (EU). Seated in the Kirchberg quarter of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, this EU institution consists of two separate courts: the Court of Justice and the General Court. From 2005 to 2016, it also contained the Civil Service Tribunal. …
Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字Presentation - Court of Justice of the European Union - CURIA
Learn about the composition, jurisdiction and procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which interprets and applies EU law. Find out how the Court c…
- Following the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbonon 1 December 2009, the European Union now has legal personality and has acquired the competences previously conferred on the Europ…
General Presentation - Court of Justice of the European Union
Court of Justice of the European Union. Since the establishment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in 1952, its mission has been to ensure that "the law is observed" "in the …
Court of Justice of the European Union | European Union
The CJEU interprets and applies EU law, settles disputes between EU institutions and countries, and protects the rights of individuals and companies. Learn about its role, composition, …
EUR-Lex - ai0046 - EN - EUR-Lex
Use quotation marks to search for an "exact phrase". Append an asterisk (*) to a search term to find variations of it (transp*, 32019R*).Use a question mark (?) instead of a single character in …
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Cour de justice de l'Union européenne (CJUE) - European Union
La CJUE interprète et applique la législation de l'UE et statue sur les différends juridiques opposant les États membres et les institutions de l'UE. Elle est composée de la Cour de …
Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene (CJUE) - European Union
CJUE interpretează și aplică legislația UE, soluționează litigiile juridice și garantează dreptul european. CJUE este formată din Curtea de Justiție și Tribunalul, cu judecători și avocați …
Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene - Wikipedia
Curtea de Justiție a Uniunii Europene (CJUE) își are sediul în Luxemburg și este organul judiciar suprem al Uniunii Europene. CJUE cuprinde două instanțe diferite: Curtea de Justiție și …
Les compétences de la Cour de justice de l’Union européenne
La CJUE est composée de deux juridictions, la Cour de justice et le Tribunal, et offre différentes voies de recours pour contrôler l’application du droit de l’Union. Elle statue sur les recours …