治疗慢性肾脏疾病相关性瘙痒!FDA批准首款疗 …
2023年4月13日 · 慢性肾脏病相关性瘙痒症(chronic kidney disease-associated pruritus,CKD-aP)是血液透析患者常见且难以忍受的并发症,不仅严重影响其生活质量和身心健康,而且增加其远期死亡风险。
Pruritus (Itchy Skin) - The National Kidney Foundation
2014年8月12日 · Pruritus is very itchy skin that is most common in patients with advanced CKD and end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), but which can also happen in the early stages of CKD. Pruritus is also known as uremic pruritus because the build-up of toxins and wastes in damaged kidneys, known as uremia, has been associated with itching.
CKD-Associated Pruritus: New Insights Into Diagnosis, …
Chronic kidney disease–associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is a common, troubling and in some cases debilitating problem for patients with CKD and end-stage renal disease. Despite a prevalence rate of approximately 20% in CKD and 40% in end-stage renal disease, and a clear association with poorer psychosocial and medical outcomes, this condition is ...
pruritus (CKD-aP) On the surface, Chronic Kidney Disease-associated Pruritus, formerly referred to as uremic pruritus, is just an itch. But for patients living with CKD-associated Pruritus, the consequences are much more. 1-6
CKD-aP is also known as “uremic pruritus (itch)” because of the association between itching and elevated uremic wastes in the blood such as phosphorus and aluminum in CKD. Current research, however, highlights the concept that uremia may exacerbate underlying
Chronic Kidney Disease Associated Pruritus (CKD-aP) - AAKP
What is CKD-aP? Chronic Kidney Disease Associated Pruritus (CKD-aP) is defined as moderate to severe itching that is directly related to kidney disease, without the presence of any other comorbid condition such as liver or skin that includes itching.
一文读懂|慢性肾脏病相关性瘙痒症的局部治疗 - 知乎
慢性肾脏病相关性瘙痒症(ckd-ap)是指由慢性肾脏病(ckd)引起的皮肤瘙痒症状。 对于肾内科和皮肤科医生而言,CKD-aP的诊疗是一个难题,目前尚无规范的诊断标准以及有效的治疗手段。
2019年9月1日 · CKD-aP • Also known as uremic pruritus • Common (30-70% of patients) • Associated with decreased quality of life and worsening symptoms of depression • Independently associated with increased mortality • Amplifies other symptoms that impair quality of life • …
Clinical management of chronic kidney disease-associated …
2021年10月14日 · Chronic kidney disease (CKD)-associated pruritus (CKD-aP) is an underdiagnosed yet severely distressing condition that impacts 60% of patients on dialysis and many nondialysis patients with Stages 3–5 CKD.