Class 2 Base - Main Street Materials
20 mm or 3/4 inch Aggregate Base, Class 2, is used in roadways and is an aggregate made of a specific recipe of different sizes and quality of rock inclusive of 20 mm (3⁄4 in) to fine dust. An aggregate is normally made from newly quarried rock, or it is sometimes allowed to be made from recycled asphalt concrete.
Chapter 4: Construction Details, Section 26: Aggregate Bases
Aggregate base is designated as Class 2 or Class 3. The bid item list and plans specify the class and unit of measurement, and the Standard Specifications and special provisions provide the requirements for each class.
Class II Base - Southwest Boulder & Stone
Class II Base is a crushed and graded blend of aggregates designed to compact tightly with the proper equipment. It provides an excellent base to concrete pavers and asphalt or can be used alone as a driveway or pathway.
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3/4″ Class 2 Aggregate Base Virgin | Stony Point Rock Quarry
2018年10月7日 · This product is made to meet Caltrans Class 2 city and county specifications for aggregate base rock under road surfaces. It’s a high-quality product that is produced with manufactured crushed rock fines. It can also be used for the top of an unpaved road surface.
How many cubic yards of class 2 aggregate base equal 1 ton?
2023年8月10日 · 0.6705 TN/Y^3 is the density of Class 2 AB at 95% compaction. Therefore, there are 1.491 cubic yards of Class 2 AB in 1 ton at 95% compaction.
What Is Type 2 Aggregate Base? - CGAA
Type 2 aggregate base is typically used as a base course for highways, driveways, parking lots, and other paved areas. It is also used in the construction of foundations and in the repair of damaged pavement. Type 2 aggregate base is a mixture of crushed rock and fines that create a stable foundation for the pavement above.
Graniterock: Technical Reports
Caltrans identifies five different Subbase types (Class 1 thru Class 5) in Section 25 and three different Aggregate Base types (¾″ & 1 ½″ Class 2, Class 3) in Section 26. Each of these materials is differentiated by variations of Gradation, R-Value, and Sand Equivalent.
2022年5月20日 · Caltrans uses two classes of aggregate base: Class-2 and Class-3. The quality of aggregate base material affects the extent of load distribution and drainage. The gradation of the aggregates can affect structural capacity, drainage, and frost susceptibility.
3/4” Class 2 AB (Base Rock Virgin) – Argent Materials
Aggregate Base Rock or Class 2 Base etc., is a well graded blend of gravel and sand under 1” in size. Base Rock is a foundational material used under sidewalks, driveways, roadways and parking lots and can be made from virgin or recycled crushed materials.
Carr Lane Items - Geisler Company
CL-AA-2P Adjustable Angle CL-AA-3P Adjustable Angle CL-AA-4P Adjustable Angle CL-1-AB Angle Bracket CL-2-AB-A Angle Bracket CL-2-AB Angle Bracket CL-3-AB-A Angle ...