CL30N Data Extraction - SAP Community
2024年7月31日 · CL30N Data Extraction. Sharing this blog to SAP community as there are very less blogs explaining data extraction for CL30N tcode. CL30N tcode is used mainly to get the …
SAP PP学习笔记 - 豆知识06 - 如何使用分类系统查找品目_sap cl30n …
2024年2月20日 · 本文介绍了如何在SAPPP模块中使用分类系统(ClassificationView)查找品目,通过设置分类值、CL30N和CL31Class进行对象检索,特别提到分类系统在BOM、物料类 …
Equipment Report with Characteristic Values (of a Particular Class) - CL30N
2017年6月11日 · In this blog I will try to explain how to get the equipment report with Characteristic values through CL30N. Similarly, the same method can be used to get the …
SAP TCode CL30N – Find Objects in Classes - SAP FREE Tutorials
CL30N is a standard SAP tcode used to perform Find Objects in Classes task in SAP ERP (or) S/4HANA system.This blog post provides key technical details about SAP TCode CL30N, …
SAP 批次管理(对象查找)_sap cl30n-CSDN博客
2024年1月8日 · 文章浏览阅读1.9k次。批次管理需要创建特性、类,可以参考前面的文章。当物料建立批次后,可以通过CL30N在类中查找具有某特性的物料对象。
2410592 - CL30n - Using additional reference characteristics
You are using the transaction CL30n to search for classfied objects by adding additional reference characteristics. You add a reference characteristic, which refers to a MARA or MARC field, for …
CL30N对应的fuction - CSDN博客
2009年10月22日 · 本文介绍如何使用 SAP 的 cl30n 事务代码进入初始界面,并通过 CEPR_SELECTION_SIMILAR_TYPE 函数输入日期、类种类及类号来查询分配给特定类别的 …
Solved: Transaction CL30N - SAP Community
2008年7月25日 · when you launch the transaction CL30N, you can display a list of objects and the value of their characteristics; unfortunately if you create a characteristic group ( "Value …
CL30N SAP tcode for – Find Objects in Classes - TestingBrain
CL30N tcode in SAP CA (Classification - PP) module. This transaction code is used for Find Objects in Classes. Here is it details, technical data, menu path etc.
3365011 - In CL30N result list, the multiple-value characteristic
In CL30N result list, you adjust the layout and let multiple-value allowed characteristic be shown. However, only one value is shown there. You would like to let the characteristic show all values.