CLab 云计算平台面向全校开放公测 - 网络资源(NetResources)版
2024年9月1日 · 目前,CLab 提供了 Arch Linux、Rocky Linux、Debian、Ubuntu 等主流 Linux 发行版的镜像源,以及 Windows、BSD 的操作系统镜像源,供同学们选择自己需要的实验环境。 我们为每位同学老师默认提供 4核心 4G 内存,300G 储存的“豪华配置”,足够应对日常的学习与课程需求。 如果需要更多资源,欢迎给我们写邮件,我们会酌情调整大家的配额。...
Introduction-To-Computer-System-2023Fall-PKU - GitHub
Update:自 2024 年以后,北大 ICS 课程已经转为使用 Clab 来完成实验,所以上面的话你可以忽略啦! Q:刷往年题一套刷了好几个小时正常吗? A:正常,特别是第一套往年题,如果你过 …
BDU Programming Club - Facebook
Welcome to the official facebook group of the BDU Programming Club, a community of passionate programmers and technology enthusiasts dedicated to exploring the latest trends and advancements in the field of computer programming.
lcpu-club/clab-images: Images for PKU CLab - GitHub
Images for PKU CLab. Contribute to lcpu-club/clab-images development by creating an account on GitHub.
Google Colab
Colab notebooks allow you to combine executable code and rich text in a single document, along with images, HTML, LaTeX and more. When you create your own Colab notebooks, they are stored in your...
关于北京大学学生 Linux 俱乐部 | LCPU 知识库
俱乐部网站 已经是有一个 wiki 了。 但是我们还是创建了这个 wiki, 用来记录和技术有关的一些信息。 主要功能是面向校内同学,以及俱乐部同学,给出一些技术参考。 评论加载中... 内容由北京大学学生 Linux 俱乐部在知识共享署名-相同方式共享许可下提供。 | Powered by Wiki.js.
GitHub - lcpu-club/clab_docs
Run pnpm install to install dependencies, pnpm run docs:build to build the documentation. This repo is shipped with a GitHub Action to continuously build and integrate with the production …
BDU Programming Club - GitHub Pages
We are confident that under their leadership, the BDU Programming Club will continue to thrive and provide valuable opportunities for students to learn, grow, and innovate. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and activities.
由浅入深的详细解读汽车PDU与BDU - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
BDU(Battery Disconnect Unit )电池包断路单元,专为电池包内部设计,也是配电盒的一种。 目前BDU都是根据车厂需求定制,因此收集客户需求及客户整车电气性能很重要。
My research group, Custom Computing Lab (CLab), is dedicated to develop sustainable computing solutions for artificial intelligence and big data analytics by harnessing the potential of customized hardware architectures and specialized system designs.
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