British Rail Class 483 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 483 electric multiple units were originally built as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 and 1992 by …
英國鐵路483型電力動車組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英國鐵路483型電動列車 (英語: British Rail Class 483),原本是 倫敦地鐵 的 1938年型號列車。 這些列車在1989年至1992年間在 漢普郡 伊斯特利火車工廠 接受大翻新 [4],隨後被運到 …
英国铁路483型电力动车组 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英国铁路483型电动列车 (英语: British Rail Class 483),原本是 伦敦地铁 的 1938年型号列车 (英语:London Underground 1938 Stock)。 这些列车在1989年至1992年间在 汉普郡 伊斯 …
英國鐵路483型電聯車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
英國鐵路483型電聯車 (英語: British Rail Class 483),原本是 倫敦地鐵 的 1938年型號列車。 這些列車在1989年至1992年間在 漢普郡 伊斯特利火車工廠 接受大翻新 [4],隨後被運到 懷特 …
British Rail Class 483 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The British Rail Class 483 electrical multiple units were originally built by Metro-Cammell as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 …
483007 ‘Jess Harper’ - Isle of Wight Steam Railway
Already the oldest trains on the network when they arrived on the Island, the renumbered Class 483 were to see a remarkable further thirty years service, shuttling between Ryde Pier Head …
UKP: 483 - SpotLog
The British Rail Class 483 electric multiple units were originally built as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 and 1992 by …
Class 483 EMU - uklines.net
Class 483 EMU. Gallery. 1. 483006 seen at Ryde Esplanade on the Isle of Wight. Technical Details. Technical Details. Built: 1935-1940 by Metro-Cammell; Number built: 9 units were …
Class 483, 483008 | British Rail Class 483 630V DC 3rd Rail - Flickr
2020年8月17日 · British Rail Class 483 630V DC 3rd Rail 2 car Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) 483008 with a Shanklin bound South Western Railway 'Island Line' service train near Lake …
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Britain's Oldest Commercial Train - 1938 Stock/Class 483
:D Following the withdrawal of the last Class 483 in January 2021, I felt it only necessary to cover the history of these 83 year old trains, as well as go into the backstory of these...