British Rail Class 483 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 483 electric multiple units were originally built as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 and 1992 by Eastleigh Works, for use on services on the Isle of Wight 's Island Line.
英國鐵路483型電力動車組 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英國鐵路483型電動列車 (英語: British Rail Class 483),原本是 倫敦地鐵 的 1938年型號列車。 這些列車在1989年至1992年間在 漢普郡 伊斯特利火車工廠 接受大翻新 [4],隨後被運到 懷特島,取代在當地行走了20年、同樣由舊倫敦地鐵列車改裝而成的 英國鐵路485/486型電動列車。 該款列車在懷特島服役時,曾採用不同樣式的彩繪塗裝。 2008年起,所有仍在服役的483型列車塗裝全部改為倫敦地鐵時期的紅色。 [5][6] 2019年,營運懷特島鐵路的 西南鐵路公司 宣佈,將 …
英国铁路483型电力动车组 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
英国铁路483型电动列车 (英语: British Rail Class 483),原本是 伦敦地铁 的 1938年型号列车 (英语:London Underground 1938 Stock)。 这些列车在1989年至1992年间在 汉普郡 伊斯特利火车工厂 接受大翻新 [4],随后被运到 怀特岛,取代在当地行走了20年、同样由旧伦敦地铁列车改装而成的 英国铁路485/486型电动列车 (英语:British Rail Classes 485 and 486)。 该款列车在怀特岛服役时,曾采用不同样式的彩绘涂装。 2008年起,所有仍在服役的483型列车涂装全部 …
英國鐵路483型電聯車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
英國鐵路483型電聯車 (英語: British Rail Class 483),原本是 倫敦地鐵 的 1938年型號列車。 這些列車在1989年至1992年間在 漢普郡 伊斯特利火車工廠 接受大翻新 [4],隨後被運到 懷特島,取代在當地行走了20年、同樣由舊倫敦地鐵列車改裝而成的 英國鐵路485/486型電聯車。 該款列車在懷特島服役時,曾採用不同樣式的彩繪塗裝。 2008年起,所有仍在服役的483型列車塗裝全部改為倫敦地鐵時期的紅色。 [5][6] 2019年,營運懷特島鐵路的 西南鐵路公司 宣佈,將 …
British Rail Class 483 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The British Rail Class 483 electrical multiple units were originally built by Metro-Cammell as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 and 1992 by Eastleigh Works, for use on services on the Isle of Wight 's Island Line.
483007 ‘Jess Harper’ - Isle of Wight Steam Railway
Already the oldest trains on the network when they arrived on the Island, the renumbered Class 483 were to see a remarkable further thirty years service, shuttling between Ryde Pier Head and Shanklin. As passenger numbers fell, and maintenance became a bigger issue, the size of the fleet was reduced, and 2-car operation became the norm.
UKP: 483 - SpotLog
The British Rail Class 483 electric multiple units were originally built as 1938 tube stock units for London Underground. They were extensively refurbished between 1989 and 1992 by Eastleigh Works, for use on services on the Isle of Wight's Island Line.
Class 483 EMU - uklines.net
Class 483 EMU. Gallery. 1. 483006 seen at Ryde Esplanade on the Isle of Wight. Technical Details. Technical Details. Built: 1935-1940 by Metro-Cammell; Number built: 9 units were refurbished for mainline operations 1989-1992 with an addition used for spares; In service (1938-1988 as Underground stock) 1989 to present;
Class 483, 483008 | British Rail Class 483 630V DC 3rd Rail - Flickr
2020年8月17日 · British Rail Class 483 630V DC 3rd Rail 2 car Electric Multiple Unit (EMU) 483008 with a Shanklin bound South Western Railway 'Island Line' service train near Lake Station on the Isle of Wight (UK).
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Britain's Oldest Commercial Train - 1938 Stock/Class 483
:D Following the withdrawal of the last Class 483 in January 2021, I felt it only necessary to cover the history of these 83 year old trains, as well as go into the backstory of these...