Cleanroom - Wikipedia
A cleanroom or clean room is an engineered space that maintains a very low concentration of airborne particulates. It is well isolated, well controlled from contamination, and actively cleansed. Such rooms are commonly needed for scientific research and in industrial production for all nanoscale processes, such as semiconductor manufacturing. A ...
超净间 - 百度百科
超净间(Clean Room),也称为无尘室或清净室。 「超净间」是指将一定空间范围内空气中的微粒子、有害空气、细菌等污染物排除,并将室内温度、洁净度、室内压力、气流速度与气流分布、噪音振动及照明、静电控制在某一需求范围内,而给予特别设计的房间。
洁净室 - 百度百科
洁净室系指对空气洁净度、温度、湿度、压力、噪声等参数根据需要都进行控制的密闭性较好的空间。 洁净室的发展与现代工业、尖端技术密切联系在一起。 由于精密机械工业(如陀螺仪、 微型轴承 等加工)、半导体工业(如大规模集成电路生产)等对环境的要求,促进了洁净室技术的发展。 国内曾统计过,在无洁净级别的要求的环境下生产 MOS电路 管芯的合格率仅10%~15%,64位储存器仅2%。 目前在精密机械、半导体、宇航、原子能等工业中应用洁净室已相当普遍。 [1] …
What is a Cleanroom? | Learn More | Mecart Cleanrooms
More than a room that is clean or a controlled environment, according to the ISO standard 14644-1 clean room definition, a clean room is defined as:
洁净室(Clean Room)洁净度或无尘等级划分 - 知乎
洁净室(Clean Room)也叫 无尘室、无尘车间、洁净厂房、无尘厂房、洁净车间,是指将一定空间范围内之空气中的微粒子、有害空气、细菌等之污染物排除,并将室内之温度、洁净度、室内压力、气流速度与气流分布、噪音…
What is a Cleanroom? - Clean Air Technology
Typically used in manufacturing or scientific research, a cleanroom is a controlled environment that has a low level of pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles, and chemical vapors.
無塵室 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
無塵室 (英語: cleanroom),又稱 淨室 、 潔淨室 或 清淨室,是指一個具有低污染水準的環境,這裡所指的污染來源有灰塵、空氣傳播的 微生物 、懸浮顆粒和化學揮發性氣體。 更準確地講,一個無塵室具有一個受控的污染級別,污染級別可用每立方米的顆粒數,或者用最大顆粒大小來厘定的。 低階別的無塵室通常是沒有經過消毒的(如沒有受控的微生物),更在意的是無塵室中的灰塵。 淨室的定義為:將空間範圍內之空氣中的微塵粒子等污染物排除,而得到一個相當潔 …
What is a Cleanroom? - Angstrom Technology Cleanroom …
Essentially, cleanrooms work to remove pollutants, particles, and contaminants from outside ambient air. Outside air passes through a filter system. The filters (HEPA or ULPA) then clean and decontaminate this outside air according to their specifications. The filter then introduces the processed air into the controlled environment.
What is a Cleanroom? A Simple Guide
2024年5月6日 · A cleanroom is a controlled environment that is designed to limit the size and number of airborne particles, including dust, microorganisms, and vapors. The purpose of a cleanroom is to limit contaminants within in a space, which makes it “clean,” so to speak.
What is a Cleanroom? Understanding Cleanroom Classifications …
This class is frequently used as an antechamber to clean areas or for less sensitive procedures. Federal Standard 209E. Although ISO standards have largely replaced it, certain contexts, particularly in the United States, cite Federal Standard 209E. According to this standard, cleanrooms are classified according to the maximum number of ...