  2. 蛤蜊,也称为蛤、文蛤、西施舌、蚌、𧉻、蚬、花蛤,是一种双壳纲贝类的统称,不一定只限于蛤蜊总科的物种,但一般皆指其中某些可以食用的物种。 蛤蜊是对可食用的双壳纲贝类的泛称。 在中国古代,蛤、或蚌泛称具两片相等的壳的软体动物,有时特指文蛤。蛤蜊则是指生长在东南沿海中的软体动物。 在福建地区,蛤蜊通常指泥蚶。 在台湾,可食用的双瞉贝类都泛称为蛤蜊,如文蛤、花蛤、粉蛤、竹蛤,相当于古代的蚶、车螯和花蛤。居住在海水中的,台语称蚶仔,主要是指文蛤。居住在淡水中的,台语称蜊仔,或蚬,通常是指台湾蚬。
    界:动物界 Animalia
    门:软体动物门 Mollusca
    纲:双壳纲 Bivalvia
    亚纲:本鳃亚纲 Autobranchia
  1. Farming Clams - Penn Cove Shellfish

    Learn how clams are grown from seed to harvest at Penn Cove Shellfish, a family-owned business in Washington state. See the steps of farming techniques, from hatchery to nursery rafts, to growing areas, to purging and shipping.

  2. Raising Clams for Food (Homestead Farming for Food …

  3. Sustainable Seafood: How Clams Are Farmed | The Kitchn

    2019年5月3日 · Small farming operations actually harvest their clams entirely by hand using trowels and rakes. This is done at low tide and has zero impact on the ocean environment. Some operations raise their clams in cages or bags set in …

  4. How To Raise Clams | Raising Clams For Profits | How …

    Clam farming, alongside oyster farming, focuses on sustainable shellfish cultivation through hatcheries, utilizing up-wellers and down-wellers as well as nursery rafts to promote farm-raised clams while addressing challenges such …

  5. Clam Aquaculture – Marine Aquaculture - Extension

    2019年5月30日 · There are numerous commercially important clam species within the United States, though the one most recognized and utilized in shellfish aquaculture operations on the East coast is the quahog or hard clam …

  6. Clam Aquaculture and Clam Farming - Clams Ahoy

  7. Clam Aquaculture Production, Farm-gate Values and …

    2025年1月9日 · There were more than 300 farms growing various clam species in the U.S. (2018 Census of Aquaculture). U.S. farmed hard clams are a smart seafood choice because they are sustainably grown and harvested under U.S. …