British Rail Class 02 - Wikipedia
The British Rail Class 02 are a class of twenty 0-4-0 diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives built by the Yorkshire Engine Company in 1960 (first ten, D2850-D2859) and 1961 (D2860–D2869) for service in areas of restricted loading gauge and curvature such as docks. [1]
中国CLASS02试验结果在JAMA Oncol发表:对于Ⅰ期胃癌,腹腔 …
2020年9月17日 · CLASS02研究是中国腹腔镜胃肠外科研究(CLASS)小组开展的前瞻性、多中心、开放标签、非优劣性、随机试验,其 结果显示,对于临床Ⅰ期胃癌,由经验丰富的外科医生实施的腹腔镜全胃切除术(LTG)联合淋巴结清扫与开腹全胃切除术(OTG)的安全性相当。 LTG和OTG术后30天内的总发病率和死亡率没有显著差异,两组的术中和术后并发症发生率也没有显著差异。 胃癌是全球第五大最常见的癌症和第三大最常见的癌症死亡原因。 与美国和其他国家相 …
Class 02 - Wikipedia
Class 02 may refer to: British Rail Class 02, a class of post-war, British diesel-hydraulic locomotive designed for shunting duties; DRG Class 02, a class of German, standard steam locomotive with a four-cylinder compound configuration
British Rail Class 02 - Locomotive Wiki
The British Railways Class 02 were a class of twenty 0-4-0 diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives built by the Yorkshire Engine Company in 1960 (first ten, D2850-D2859) and 1961 (D2860-D2869) for service in areas of restricted loading gauge and curvature such as docks.
Morbidity and Mortality of Laparoscopic vs Open Total ... - PubMed
2020年10月1日 · Design, setting, and participants: The Chinese Laparoscopic Gastrointestinal Surgery Study (CLASS) Group CLASS02 study was a prospective, multicenter, open-label, noninferiority, randomized clinical trial that compared the safety of LTG vs OTG with lymphadenectomy for patients with clinical stage I gastric cancer. From January 2017 to …
Class 02 | British Rail Locomotives Wiki | Fandom
The British Rail Class 02 were a class of twenty 0-4-0 diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives built by the Yorkshire Engine Company in 1960 (first ten, D2850-D2859) and 1961 (D2860-D2869) for service in areas of restricted loading gauge and curvature such as docks.
2019年5月13日 · class-02研究完成入组将为后续的腹腔镜全胃切除术的有效性Ⅲ期临床研究(class-02.2)奠定基础。 CLASS系列研究将助力中国高质量临床研究数据的发布和外科技术创新。
DRG Class 02 - Wikipedia
The German DRG Class 02 (Baureihe 02 or BR 02) engines were standard (Einheitslokomotiven) express train locomotives with the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. Number 02 001 was the first Einheitsdampflokomotive in the DRG to be completed.
Class 02 - Railworks Wiki
Originally classed as D1/4, the subsequently reclassified Class 02 fulfilled a need for very small wheelbase shunting or pilot locomotives in areas with a restricted loading gauge and curvature such as docks.
British Rail Class 02 - Wikiwand
The British Rail Class 02 were a class of twenty 0-4-0 diesel-hydraulic shunting locomotives. They were built by the Yorkshire Engine Company in 1960 (first ten, D2850-D2859) and 1961 (D2860-D2869). They were built for use in places of restricted loading gauge and curves such as docks.