ClassNK issues world's first approval in principle (AiP) for LNG carrier installed with Wind-Assisted Propulsion System - For “Wind Challenger”-installed LNG carrier jointly developed by MOL and Hanwha Ocean -
ClassNK issues Approval in Principle for ammonia-fuelled ammonia bunkering vessel developed by NYK Line and LMG Marin AS 25 Feb Four new major Japanese maritime organizations join Digital Twin Project
Register of Ships | ClassNK - English
The information in this site is provided according to the policy of transparency of Classification Societies. Though all information is compiled based on the latest survey information available at ClassNK Headquarters with fastidious care, it might …
Web Service Login - Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
ClassNK Customer Hub - Ship in Service - Vessel information service ; Information and contact...
Introduction | ClassNK - English
ClassNK has earned an outstanding reputation for its long-standing dedication to safeguarding life and property at sea and preventing marine pollution through the establishment of universally recognized standards for the design, construction and maintenance of …
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai - Wikipedia
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (一般財団法人日本海事協会, Ippan-zaidan-hōjin Nippon Kaiji Kyōkai), also known by it s brand name ClassNK, is a non-profit, non-governmental organization ship classification society.
一般財団法人 日本海事協会 | ClassNK
ClassNKアカデミー、長崎海洋アカデミーとの共催講座を東京で開催 ~洋上風力発電の基礎知識や海事産業との関わりについて解説~ 12月06日 自動車運搬船の火災時における船員の安全な脱出に向けた指針を公表
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