Climbing fiber - Wikipedia
Climbing fibers are the name given to a series of neuronal projections from the inferior olivary nucleus located in the medulla oblongata. [1] [2] These axons pass through the pons and …
Circuits within the Cerebellum - Neuroscience - NCBI Bookshelf
In most models of cerebellum function, the climbing fibers regulate movement by modulating the effectiveness of the mossy—parallel fiber connection with the Purkinje cells. The Purkinje cells …
Climbing Fiber - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Climbing fibers are a unique structure of the cerebellum with no homologs elsewhere in the central nervous system. They originate from the inferior olive in the medulla oblongata. Each …
Climbing Fiber - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Climbing fibers are a unique structure of the cerebellum with no homologs elsewhere in the central nervous system. They originate from the inferior olive in the medulla oblongata.
Cerebellum: Afferent and efferent connections - Kenhub
2023年7月27日 · Climbing fibers. These fibers arise from the inferior olivary nucleus and send collaterals to the deep nuclei before entering the cerebellar cortex. These fibers will reach …
Climbing Fiber - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Climbing fibers are the terminals of the axons arriving from inferior olive neurons that form strong synaptic connections to Purkinje cells. From: Fundamental Neuroscience (Fourth Edition), 2013
Climbing fibers provide essential instructive signals for …
Climbing fiber (CF) inputs to the cerebellar cortex represent one of the strongest candidates in the vertebrate brain for conveying neural instructive signals.
Climbing fibers provide essential instructive signals for ... - Nature
2024年4月2日 · Climbing fiber (CF) inputs to the cerebellar cortex represent one of the strongest candidates in the vertebrate brain for conveying neural instructive signals.
Newly Discovered Role for Climbing Fibers: Conveying a Sensory …
2019年3月27日 · One significant input to the Purkinje cells, are long-range projections called climbing fibers. “Climbing fibers are very well-known and extensively studied in the field.” …
Climbing fibres - a key to cerebellar function - PMC
Climbing fibre field potentials evoked by stimulation of cutaneous superficial radial nerve afferents were used as a measure of the excitability. At most recording sites climbing fibres had their …
Topsy Turvy: Functions of Climbing and Mossy Fibers in the …
Climbing fibers originate from only one precerebellar nucleus, the contralateral inferior olive. Each Purkinje cell is directly innervated by a single climbing fiber. One is enough. A climbing fiber …
Climbing fiber synapses rapidly and transiently inhibit …
2020年9月7日 · Climbing fibers from the inferior olive make strong excitatory synapses onto cerebellar Purkinje cell (PC) dendrites and trigger distinctive responses known as complex …
A cerebellar granule cell-climbing fiber computation to learn to …
2024年6月12日 · In classical cerebellar learning, Purkinje cells (PkCs) associate climbing fiber (CF) error signals with predictive granule cells (GrCs) that were active just prior (∼150 ms). …
Cerebellum - Circuitry - Climbing Fibers
Climbing fibers are "lazy" (but strong), thus Purkinje cells exhibit complex spikes at a rate of about 1 per second. The illustration above depicts an intracellular recording from a Purkinje cell that …
Climbing fiber signaling and cerebellar gain control - Frontiers
Here, we argue that climbing fiber signaling is about adjusting relative probabilities for the induction of LTD and long-term potentiation (LTP) at parallel fiber synapses. Complex spike …
Coordinated cerebellar climbing fiber activity signals learned ...
2018年9月17日 · Cerebellar climbing fibers provide predictive, context-specific instructional signals that do not rely exclusively on motor errors to support learning of arbitrary …
Climbing Fiber Regulation of Spontaneous Purkinje Cell Activity …
2016年1月25日 · Our results show that stimulating climbing fibers at 0.5–3 Hz induces a frequency-dependent, graded suppression of Purkinje cell activity. Climbing fiber stimulation at …
Complex brain cell connections in the cerebellum more common …
2023年7月27日 · Images of thousands of Purkinje cells show that nearly all human cells have multiple primary dendrites, a structure that, when observed in mice, allows connections with …
Precise Spatial Relationships between Mossy Fibers and Climbing Fibers ...
2006年11月15日 · These findings, in combination with analyses of the distribution of labeled neurons in two major brainstem sources of mossy fibers, suggest that the mossy fiber system …
Climbing fiber signaling and cerebellar gain control - PubMed
2009年7月6日 · Here, we argue that climbing fiber signaling is about adjusting relative probabilities for the induction of LTD and long-term potentiation (LTP) at parallel fiber …