GitHub - Paulo-Nota/Clino-1.0: Clino is a comprehensive desktop ...
Clino is a comprehensive desktop application that integrates clinoform analysis, graph data extraction, and multi-channel profile extraction tools. Designed for geologists, researchers, and data analysts, Clino empowers users to efficiently import, analyze, visualize, and export geological and graphical data with ease.
FieldMove Clino - Old Versions APK - APKCombo
2012年2月5日 · Download FieldMove Clino - Old Versions APK - All Versions - com.mve.fieldmove.clino - Mobile App for Android
Other Versions - CLion - JetBrains
Get past releases and previous versions of CLion.
FieldMove Clino APK for Android Download - APKPure.com
2024年3月8日 · FieldMove Clino is a digital compass-clinometer for data capture on your Android phone, designed for simplicity in the field, and optimized to use the device’s GPS location and orientation sensors. This geology app will allow you to use your phone as a traditional hand-held bearing compass as well as a digital compass-clinometer for measuring ...
地表地質調查APP "FieldMove Clino" 介紹 (請開字幕看說明) - YouTube
2024年3月30日 · FieldMove Clino有幾個我覺得很好用的功能:1. 不連續面傾向直接做磁偏角修正2. 可以記錄每一筆位態的地層、岩性、不連續面種類3.
FieldMove Clino old version | Aptoide
2012年2月5日 · FieldMove Clino Download and install old versions of apk for Android. Latest Version of FieldMove Clino. 3.0.6. 7/3/2024 ...
如何评价 JetBrains 的新 C/C++ IDE CLion Nova? - 知乎
当下比较火的AI IDE编程工具有 Windsurf 、 Cursor,最近字节跳动也公开了他们的版本Trae。 今天分享的这个项目是在Windsurf上实现的,Windsurf 提供免费3天的试用,付费会员需要15刀1个月。 现在的话,推荐去使用字节的免费IDE工具 Trae。 支持mac和windows。 安装的过程中,会提示存放项目库的路径。 有了工具之后,如果我们要开发一个项目,最基础的还是要想清楚这个产品是用来干什么的,业务流程是什么,有什么页面,每个页面有什么功能。 也就是要准备好产 …
clino - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年2月24日 · In Classical Latin, this is only found with certainty as a past participle clīnātus. Some older editions of classical texts seem to attest various inflected forms of this verb (clīnāre (Lucretius), clīnāvit (Petronius), ... ) which seem to have been corrected to different forms (prefixed, or to different words altogether) in modern editions.
Midland Valley Clino, Clino Pro FieldMove Clino User Guide
FieldMove Clino is a digital compass-clinometer for data capture on smartphones. The app allows an Android phone or iPhone (see the iPhone user guide) to be used as a traditional hand-held bearing compass and clinometer for measuring and capturing the orientation of planar and linear features in the field.
Charlton T. Lewis, Charles Short, A Latin Dictionary
clīno = κλίνω, v. clinatus. The National Endowment for the Humanities provided support for entering this text. Use this tool to search for dictionary entries in all lexica. Searching in English. More search options.