Power QFN with Cu-Clip | AOI ELECTRONICS
Cu-clips have lower resistance and inductance than multiple wire bonds interconnected high performance MOSFETs, and Improves thermal performance. The Cu-Clip QFN package targets power management products, such as DCDC converters and motor drivers.
By April 2018, UTAC has expanded copper clip based power QFN offerings to include additional side by side and stacked MOSFET configurations, now offering various body sizes (3.5 x 4.5mm, 4 x 4mm, 5 x 5mm, 6 x 5mm and 6 x 6mm).
Leadframe Packages - UTAC
The QFN (Quad Flat No-Lead) package is a popular and cost effective plastic package which was introduced by UTAC in 1998, adding a leadless concept into UTAC’s expanding portfolio. The package is a superior choice for high speed applications where thermal and electrical performance is paramount and space constraint is unavoidable.
2016年12月1日 · Efficient power management is crucial for increasing demands on high definition mobile video streaming, 4G network communication and longer battery life, etc. UTAC developed Copper Clip QFN package for high performance MOSFETs, replacing multiple Copper or Aluminum wires with lower electrical impedance (low RDS(on)), better thermal performance a...
QFN-DFN Series_通富微电子股份有限公司
QFN &DFN are commonly used logic, memory, and micro-controllers. Application of RF, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IoT, cellular phones, wireless LAN, personal digital assistants, Digital cameras, etc. Features Provide various technological solutions, including FC, WB, Clip …
铜片夹扣键合QFN功率器件封装技术 - ep.org.cn
摘要: 铜片夹扣键合工艺是一种替代传统引线键合中多引线或者粗引线键合的新工艺,其工艺产品本身具有一定性能优势,并且随着其技术应用的拓展,铜片夹扣键合产品结构变得多样化。 针对铜片夹扣键合封装产品的结构设计以及工艺设计发展方向进行了研究,分析了铜片夹扣键合产品的性能优势,同时分析了铜片夹扣键合不同阶段产品的结构特性与发展趋势,并依据封装产品发展需求,总结出铜片夹扣键合产品结构未来的发展方向以及发展中面临的瓶颈问题,通过对其封装工 …
什么是 Cu clip 封装 - 艾邦半导体网
Clip Bond 即条带键合,是采用一个焊接到焊料的固体铜桥实现芯片和引脚连接的封装工艺。 与传统的键合封装方式相比, Cu Clip 技术有以下几点优势 : 1、芯片与管脚的连接采用铜片,一定程度上取代芯片和引脚间的标准引线键合方式,因而可以获得独特的封装 ...
Copper Clip封装_华润微电子欢迎您
安盛copper clip工艺封装,应用于功率器件封装 应用铜块连接MOS FET的Source与框架(leadframe)以获得更好的Rdson以及更好的热效应。 Copper Clip 优势
Robust packaging solutions through innovative designs in clip-QFN ...
2016年2月25日 · Geometry of lead frames and clips are crucial components in manufacturability and long term reliability of clip-QFN packages. Every product has a unique set of component lay-out and configuration; and this doesn't mean outright BOM (bill of material) compatibility for new product built on similar qualified package.
铜片夹扣键合QFN功率器件封装技术_霍炎 - 道客巴巴
针对铜片夹扣键合封装产品的结构设计以及工艺设计发展方向进行了研究,分析了铜片夹扣键合产品的性能优势,以及铜片夹扣键合不同阶段产品的结构特性与发展趋势;... 第 18 卷,第 7 期Vol . 18 ,No . 7电 子 与 封 装ELECTRONICS & PACKAGING总 第 183 期2018 年 7 月铜片夹扣键合 QFN 功率器件封装技术霍 炎1 ,吴建忠 2(1.上海交通大学,上海 200240; 2.无锡华润安盛科技有限公司,江苏 无锡 214028)摘 要:铜片夹扣键合工艺是一种替代传统引线键合中多引线或 …
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