CLOAK中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
cloak翻译:衣服, 斗篷,披风, 隐藏, 遮掩物;伪装;掩盖;幌子, 掩藏,掩饰。了解更多。
cloaks - 搜索 词典
They worked as hard as before although the weather got cold. 2. 1. The system works like a mirage, where heat causes the bending of light rays and cloaks the road ahead behind an image of the sky. 整个 系统 的 工作原理 类似 海市蜃楼: 热气 导致 光线 扭曲, 使得 前方 道路 隐蔽 在 天空 的 影像 之后。 2. They stood, feeling a bit odd in their clothes.
Description : A warm cloak fashioned from thick fabric and wolf pelts. 一个由厚布和狼皮做成的暖和的斗篷. His friendly behaviour was a cloak for his evil intentions. 他的友好行为不过是他险恶用心的伪装. The spy's activities were concealed by the cloak of diplomacy. 间谍的活动是在外交的掩护下暗中进行的. Reports are often false, and always false when made by a …
什么是独立站Cloak斗篷技术? - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
市面上常规的 CLOAK技术 ,一般使用原生php调用的方式,数据传递相比js跳转和iframe内嵌方式更安全稳定,过滤爬虫和不受欢迎的IP,减少无效访问,确保广告安全过审。 具体资费,一般是按域名站点或者广告流量计算,需自行找cloak公司咨询,或者私信推荐。
cloaked - 搜索 词典
Although this starship is close enough for you to see with your human vision, it is currently cloaked from your view. 虽然 这个 飞船 已经 足够 的 接近 可以 被 你们 的 肉眼 看到, 但是 它 当前 的 状态 依旧 选择 对 你们 隐形。 2. Each man was cloaked in a plain russet frock, a cowl concealing his head, only his hands visible, folded in prayer.
2022年10月26日 · Cloak直接翻译为“遮盖、掩盖”,指的是通过程序识别访问者信息(如IP、浏览器指纹等),根据不同用户呈现特定页面,实现内容替换或屏蔽的效果。 适用场景
cloak - 搜索 词典
必应词典为您提供cloak的释义,美[kloʊk],英[kləʊk],n. 斗篷;遮盖物; v. 掩盖;遮盖; 网络释义: 披风;覆盖;斗蓬;
What is the difference between "cloak" and "cape ... - HiNative
ong tiếng Anh (Mỹ), từ "cloak" và "cape" đều có nghĩa là áo choàng, tuy nhiên chúng có sự khác biệt nhẹ về cách sử dụng và kiểu dáng. "Cloak" thường được mặc để che giấu hoặc bảo vệ người mặc khỏi thời tiết khắc nghiệt hoặc để giấu đi danh tính của người mặc.
托福词汇:cloak - 托福考满分
to deliberately hide facts, feelings etc so that people do not see or understand them – used especially in news reports. The talks have been cloaked in secrecy. 会谈内容被保密起来。 2. …
《探秘 Cloak 斗篷系统:跨境电商广告的神秘利器》 - 干了这碗鸡 …
2024年11月30日 · Cloak 斗篷系统是一款强大的广告保护工具,主要应用于帮助敏感产品,如擦边、侵权、仿冒(FP)产品顺利通过广告审核。 它通过判断访问者 IP 进行不同操作,本质上是页面的跳转选择过程。