Chlorine trifluoride oxide - Wikipedia
Chlorine oxide trifluoride or chlorine trifluoride oxide is a corrosive liquid molecular compound with formula ClOF3. It was developed secretly as a rocket fuel oxidiser. Chlorine oxide trifluoride was originally made at Rocketdyne [3] by treating dichlorine monoxide with fluorine.
化学元素手册·氯·(58)三氟氧化氯 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
三氟氧化氯也是路易斯酸,可以和强碱反应,产生四氟氧化氯(V)阴离子ClOF4-。这可以用于纯化三氟氧化氯。 三氟氧化氯会氟化各种材料,例如一氧化二氯、氯气、玻璃或石英。 ClOF3 + Cl2O —→ 2ClF + ClO2F. 2ClOF3 + 2Cl2 —200℃→ 6ClF + O2. 三氟氧化氯和 氟磺酸氯 反应:
Solved draw the lewis dot structure of [ClOF4]^-display the - Chegg
Count the total number of valence electrons for all the atoms in [ClOF4]^-, including the extra electron for the negative charge.
四氧化氯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1923年,著名自由基化学家 摩西·冈伯格 提出 碘 单质与 高氯酸银 在无水 乙醚 中反应可制得四氧化氯 [1]: 但后来有研究认为生成的是 高氯酸碘,然而至今没有可靠证据说明高氯酸碘的存在 [2]。 直到1968年,伊休斯(Eachus)在77K下用γ射线照射 氯酸钾 才制得它。 它是七氧化二氯分解反应的 活性中间体。 [來源請求] 通过高氯酸盐的 晶格能 数据经热力学循环计算,可得出四氧化氯的 电子亲和能 为561kJ/mol [3]。 该物质的结构不确定, 分子对称性 可能为C s 或C 2v[4]。
[Solved] ClOF4 is polar - General Chemistry I (CHEM 1040
ClOF4+ is a polar molecule due to the difference in electronegativity between Cl, O, and F atoms and the see-saw shape of the molecule. The overall dipole moment of the molecule is the vector sum of individual dipole moments, which is not zero, indicating polarity.
ClOF4 molar mass - Chemical Portal
Molar mass calculator computes molar mass, molecular weight and elemental composition of any given compound.
Solved Consider the molecule [ClOF4]+. a)Draw the most - Chegg
Consider the molecule [ClOF4]+. a)Draw the most accurate Lewis structure [ClOF4]+. Use formal charges to support your drawing. b)Indicate the electron group geometry and molecular geometry of [ClOF4]+. c)Give a 3D drawing of [ClOF4]+. Indicate the position of the oxygen atom and give an explanation regarding the placement of the oxygen atom.
Solved Draw the molecular geometry based on VSEPR and - Chegg
Draw the molecular geometry based on VSEPR and mention any distortions from ideal angles for ClOF4-, SOCl2, I3-, and XeO2F2
Draw the most accurate Lewis structure (using formal charges) for …
Draw the most accurate Lewis structure (using formal charges) for C l O F 4 +. Determine the electron group geometry/molecular geometry, and draw a 3D diagram that indicates and explains the...
consider the molecule clof4 adraw the most accurate lewis
a) Draw the most accurate Lewis structure [ClOF4]+. Use formal charges to support your drawing. b) Indicate the electron group geometry and molecular geometry of [ClOF4]+.