Clone Hero
Clone Hero is a classic instrument based rhythm game for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. It's playable with any 5 or 6 fret guitar controller, any midi drum kit, any game controller and even your keyboard!
v1.0.0.4080 V1.0 Final Release Largest update yet! | Clone Hero
Clone hero v1.0 update is here! If you need help setting up v1 coming from an older version check out our Migration instructions article, or if you need further help check out this great video from Acai covering the full process of installation and some of the great new features in v1!
v.23.2.2 Small patch to fix issues in v.23.2 | Clone Hero
Clone Hero will also be featured in Awesome Games Done Quick 2020, currently scheduled for Saturday, January 11th. Starring Frosted as a player, Matt and srylain will also be attending the event and fully representing the game, check out the GoFundMe !
Releases - Clone Hero
Clone hero v1.0 update is here! Add drum instrument; Add pro-drums instrument; Add midi input for drums...and more! Download v1.0.0.4080; v0.23.2.2 (November 25, 2019) This is mainly to fix the slight performance issue introduced with scanning in v.23.2.1, but there are some other changes as well. Check out the full log on the download page.
Clone Hero Wiki
Clone Hero is currently on v1.0.0.4080. Use the Search Bar at the top to find articles that may answer your questions or issues! Read the the Official Clone Hero Manual for information on installation, how to play, controls, and more!
Installation | Clone Hero Wiki
Follow the instructions given to install Clone Hero onto your system. The installer gives you two installation options: Typical Installation: A non-portable installation.
Frequently Asked Quest... | Clone Hero Wiki
Q: How do I install Clone Hero? A: Here's a tutorial made by Acai that goes over the majority of the setup process on Windows. Q: Why can't I do anything after starting the game?
Installation, Updating and Migration Guide - Clone Hero
Portable install allows you to install your game wherever you choose. This is beneficial if you want to put Clone Hero on a removable drive or if you want to keep your custom content contained within the installation directory. However you must not install the game into a "protected directory."
News - Clone Hero
After 3 years of development and dozens of Public Test Builds, Clone Hero V1 is finally here! There’s plenty of new features and customization options that made their way into the game since V0.23. Instead of listing every single one, here’s what you will want to hear about the most!
v.23.1 The Online Build - Clone Hero
Clone Hero is a cross platform classic instrument based rhythm game!