Clonit - EQUITA Capital SGR
Founded in 1987, Clonit srl was one of the first Italian companies operating in the field of biotechnology. Since from the beginning the company has worked to develope innovative and …
Production of Medical Diagnostic - Clonit
Reliable, rapid and non-invasive assays to improve and accelerate clinical decisions. We aim to improve healthcare by enhancing and supporting the decision-making process, in line with scientific and technological evolution. A wide range of in vitro diagnostic tests for the identification of pathogens causing tropical fevers.
Clonit: Research, Development and Production of Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Solutions. Clonit has been a reference in the field of Molecular Diagnostics for years, committed to the design and production of high-quality in vitro diagnostic tests.
CLONIT S.r.l - Mailand, Italy - bionity.com
Founded in 1987, Clonit srl was one of the first Italian companies operating in the field of biotechnology. Since from the beginning the company has worked to develop innovative and reliable analytical methods in the field of In Vitro diagnostics using molecular biology techinques.
CLONIT SRL, Partita IVA: 09014480157, Fatturato, Dipendenti, PEC
Ottieni Report Gratuito su CLONIT SRL (09014480157) con Sede, Fatturato, Utile, Dipendenti, PEC e ATECO
CLONIT srl Profile - medical-xprt.com
Since 1987, Clonit has been focused in developing, manufacturing and distributing of innovative and reliable in Vitro Diagnostic Equipment and Reagents for Molecular Diagnostics. A deep expertise in Molecular Biology mixed to our strong culture of business ethics make our company a valued partner for laboratories and hospitals around the world.
Clonit, società partecipata da Equita Smart Capital – ELTIF, …
Equita Capital SGR, management company del Gruppo Equita, annuncia che Clonit – società partecipata del fondo Equita Smart Capital ELTIF da luglio 2022 e attiva nello sviluppo, produzione e distribuzione di reagenti per la diagnostica molecolare – ha perfezionato l'acquisizione del 100% di Experteam S.r.l. in data odierna.
Clonit’ngo is the Ready to Use solution designed for the diagnosis of infectious diseases caused by different pathogens in human samples. Clonit’ngo combines the power of Multiplex PCR Detection, with a Ready to Use and Room Temperature Storage Format, allowing cost control by single test solution approach. Key Features
Clonit: Impegno nella Ricerca, nello Sviluppo e nella Produzione di soluzioni diagnostiche all’avanguardia. Clonit è da anni un punto di riferimento nel campo della Diagnostica Molecolare, impegnata nella progettazione e produzione di test diagnostici in vitro di alta qualità.
Clonit - EQUITA Capital SGR
Clonit, fondata nel 1987, con sede ad Abbiategrasso, è stata first mover in Italia nel settore della diagnostica molecolare. La società produce e distribuisce kit di reagenti per test molecolari principalmente per malattie infettive, genetiche ed oncologiche.
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