Honda CM250C - Wikipedia
The 234cc North American market variant was coded as the CM250C and was the precursor to the current Honda CMX250C, also known as the Honda Rebel 250. The European market variant was identified as the CM250TB. The CM250TB is based on the Honda Superdream CB250N engine but with a five-speed and not six-speed gearbox. [6] .
Honda CMX250C - Wikipedia
The Honda CMX250, or Rebel 250 or Honda Peronist, is a 234 cc (14.3 cu in) cruiser-style motorcycle made by Honda on and off since 1985. It uses the same 234 cc (14.3 cu in) straight-twin engine as the Honda Nighthawk 250 standard. The Rebel is part of the CM series of cruisers.
Honda Cmx 250 Rebel Motorcycles For Sale - Cycle Trader
Browse our extensive inventory of new and used Honda Cmx motorcycles from local Honda dealers and private sellers. Compare prices, models, trims, options and specifications between different Honda motorcycles on Cycle Trader. 2008 HONDA CMX250 REBEL 250, We provide more detailed information as well as additional photos on our website.
本田Rebel 250全新上市:250cc自动挡太子车,电子离合加持,售 …
2025年1月25日 · 本田Rebel 250全新上市:250cc自动挡太子车,电子离合加持,售价2.98万起,太子车,作为巡航类摩托车中的独特细分市场,近年来风头正劲,但展望2025年,这一领域的竞争将迈入全新阶段,不仅局限于价格战的常规套路,更将深度聚焦于技术创新,其中,自动模式 ...
本田CM250Rebel系列新车抢先看!E-Clutch系统亮相,售价2.99 …
2025款CM250 Rebel系列外观设计依然延续日式经典巡航风格,车身线条流畅,造型简洁大方,细节方面融合了复古韵味与现代气息。 同步推出了Rebel 250标准版、Rebel 250 E - Clutch版以及Rebel 250 S Edition E - Clutch版,区别于前两个版本,S Edition在车头位置新增了与CM1100相似 ...
本田CM 250停产引惋惜,自动离合E-Clutch版 有望明年春季登场!
2024年10月11日 · 近日,摩友圈中传出一则令人惋惜的消息:本田经典车款CM 250(Rebel 250)即将正式停产。 尽管HONDA官方尚未发布明确公告,但有可靠信息指出,本田已于8月2日发出生产终止通知,并当日停止接单。
本田CM 250停产引惋惜,自动离合E-Clutch版 有望明年春季登场!
据业内推测,新款CM 250很可能会搭载本田最新的E-Clutch自动离合系统。 E-Clutch是一种颠覆传统手动操作的革新技术,允许骑行者在无需使用离合器的情况下轻松完成起步、换挡和停车操作。
Honda Rebel 250 Specs and Review (Cruiser Bike)
The Rebel 250 by Honda has features and specs that perfectly balance flexible output and physical size, making it a good training, beginner, and youth bike. Tall individuals might not be comfortable riding this bike, though, especially if you have long legs.
Honda CM series - Wikipedia
1997 Honda Rebel 250. The Honda CM series is a designation of cruiser-style motorcycles produced by Japanese automobile manufacturer Honda, as listed below sorted by model name:
本田2025款Rebel 250系列发布!这将会是大部分女摩友的福音?
作为CM300分小兄弟,2025款CMX Rebel 250沿用了2017款的、与 CBR250R同平台的水冷四冲程单气缸、DOHC四气阀的发动机,缸径、行程为76mmx55mm,排气量249cc(国内销售中的CM300,缸径、行程为76mmx63mm,排气量286cc),最大动力输出19kw(约26匹); 车体采用一副钢管式的车架,正立式的伸缩套筒前叉、双筒后减震,全LED的灯光系统,前后碟式制动系统,直径为16英寸的前后车轮。 与基本型相比,S版增配了小型的车头整流罩,前叉芯带防尘 …
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