Minolta cm 508i spectrophotometer, by Konica Minolta - Product …
The Minolta CM-508i spectrophotometer is a portable device designed for color measurement. It is capable of measuring the color and appearance characteristics of various materials and …
CM-508c/CM-503c Spectrophotometer - Konica Minolta Sensing
CM-508c has a larger 8mm measuring area for general-purpose measurements of glossy specimens such as plastics, silk, metallic textiles, etc. Both models can use an optional …
High-accuracy production-line colour metering - Emerald Insight
2000年12月1日 · The Minolta CM-508d is a portable spectrophotometer that fits in the hand and weighs just 1.3kg. Its ability to be switched to include or exclude the specular component of …
生産終了製品 | 計測機器 | コニカミノルタ
計測機器を安心、且つ最大限にご活用いただきたい為、お悩み事のヒアリング、機種選定などご検討される段階からお客様に寄りそうサポートを提供しております。 製品ご購入後も安心 …
色差计使用说明书 - 百度文库
校正数据存于记忆卡,也可从记忆卡叫入CM-508i内,校正数据一旦存入CM-508i中且用同样的校正盖,便毋需每次开机都转入校 正数据 (但每次开机仍需作校正),但是若换新校正盖则需重作,如下步 …
柯尼卡美能达 CM-508I 分光测色计, 柯尼卡美能达, CM-508I, 分光 …
柯尼卡美能达 CM-508I 分光测色计价格低廉,质量上乘,欢迎新老客户咨询。
Konica Minolta CM-508c Spectrophotometers User Manual
Spectrophotometers CM-503c and CM-508c utilize 45/0 (45° illumination/0° viewing) geometry with circumferential illumination to provide accurate measurements of glossy specimens.
CM-508i → CM-700d/600d/2600d - visko.co.kr
CM-508i는 신제품인 CM-700d. CM-600d, CM-2600d, CM2500d 등의 모델로 개발되었습니다.
柯尼卡美能达 CM-508I 分光测色计_半导体器件/检测仪_电子测量 …
IQxel™联机能力测试系统可提供涵盖完整范围的 WLAN (802.11a/ac/b/g/j/n)与蓝牙 (1.0-4.2)设备的物理层测试。 IQxel 超越了. Keysight E8358A矢量网络分析仪是PNA系列网络分 …
柯尼卡美能达 CM-508I 分光测色计_供应产品_苏州优品电子有限公司
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