CM-32 armoured vehicle - Wikipedia
In its basic APC form the CM-32 is armed with a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher and a 7.62 mm co-axial machinegun, both mounted in a remote weapons station. [3] In 2012 Chung-Hsin …
雲豹裝甲車族 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雲豹甲車的車體以 高張力鋼 (英语:High-strength low-alloy steel) 板焊接而成,全車皆達到北約 STANAG 4569 Level 3標準,可抵禦 7.62×51mm NATO 直擊;車體正面則達到Level 4標準, …
CM32 8X8 Yunpao [Clouded Leopard] Armored Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
The CM-32 is an 8x8 armored vehicle based on the design of the 6x6 CM-31. The vehicle takes its moniker from Taiwan's nearly extinct clouded leopard, or "Yunpao," because of its agility and...
CM-32 Yunpao (Clouded Leopard) / TIFV (Taiwan Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
2019年5月2日 · The CM-32 Yunpao ("Clouded Leopard") is an eight-wheeled, modular armored vehicle serving with the land forces of Taiwan. The vehicle is based on the preceding …
CM32 8X8 Cloud Leopard Armored Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
According to the original concept of the Armaments Bureau, it is planned to use a CM-32 chassis with a closed rotating turret to become a medium-caliber assault gun.
CM32 8X8 Yunpao [Cloud Leopard] Armored Vehicle - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年1月1日 · The CM-32 is an 8x8 armored vehicle based on the design of the 6x6 CM-31. The vehicle takes its moniker from Taiwan's nearly extinct clouded leopard, or.
[模型网评测]AFV (AF35320)-1/35中国台湾CM-32"云豹"装甲车-板 …
云豹CM-32装甲车车顶有一门自产40毫米榴弹机枪遥控枪塔系统,根据台军数据显示,在武器系统方面,包括40公厘T91榴弹枪射速每分钟300发,有效射程1500米;以及7.62毫米T74同轴机 …
赖清德の逃跑专车——CM32装甲车 - 百家号
2024年7月17日 · 动力系统方面,cm32配备一台卡特彼勒公司生产的c12柴油发动机,额定功率450马力,匹配艾利逊公司的md-4560p自动变速箱。 该车的最大公路行进速度可达105千米每 …
中国装备志——CM-32型台湾云豹轮式装甲车 - 百家号
CM-32型云豹装甲车是台湾陆军战甲发展中心和爱尔兰公司进行技术合作所研发的一型轮式装甲车,算是一款台湾出人配合欧美成熟装备得到的混血装备,外形结合了欧美同级别成熟装备,如 …
CM-34 (Clouded Leopard IFV) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
2022年8月9日 · With the introduction of the CM32 "Clouded Leopard" 8x8 wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) of 2007, the country has continued its in-house modernization efforts. …
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