在钢琴、吉他和尤克里里上的Cmaj11和弦 | Musicca
C大十一和弦(英文简写为Cmaj11和弦)为六音和弦,由C、E、G、B、D和F六个音组成。在此和弦的组成中,是将C大九和弦加上一个十一度音。 在实务上,为了避免和弦过于不和谐,Cmaj11和弦的五度音(G)有时会被省略,因为并非总是能够同时演奏所有的音。
Cmaj11 Piano Chord | C major eleventh | Scales-Chords
The C major eleventh Chord for Piano has the notes C E G B D F and interval structure 1 3 5 7 9 11.
Cmaj11 Guitar Chord | C major eleventh | Scales-Chords
Cmaj11 for Guitar has the notes C E G B D F and can be played 7 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 1 3 5 7 9 11.
吉他乐理讲解之十一和弦 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
大十一和弦除了可以省略五音和九音外,也可以省略三音(Cmaj11 (no3))。 大十一和弦也可以从自然大调音阶中找到,即I级大11和弦,以C大调为例:音阶为CDEFGABC,Cmaj11组成音为C E G B D F,都是C大调的调内音。 由于自然大调中IV级到VII级是增四度,不是纯四度,所以IV级大十一和弦不是自然大调的顺阶和弦。 小十一和弦由根音、小三度音、纯五度音、小七度音、大九度音、纯十一度音组成,也可以看作是在小九和弦基础上,增加纯十一度音构成的。 以Cm11为 …
Cmaj11 piano chord
Cmaj11 chord for piano with keyboard diagram. Explanation: The C major eleventh is a six-note chord. For practical reasons the chord is normally played with omitted notes and/or inverted. It is often abbreviated as Cmaj11 or Cmaj9 (#11). In the latter case, the chord is played with a raised eleventh to avoid dissonance with the 3rd.
Cmaj11 chord on Piano, Guitar, and Ukulele | Musicca
The C major eleventh chord (abbreviated Cmaj11 chord) is a six-note chord consisting of the notes C, E, G, B, D, and F. The chord is formed by adding an eleventh to the C major ninth chord.
Cmaj11 guitar chord - GtrLib Chords
C major 11 guitar chord is also written as Cmaj11 or CM11. View guitar chords chart for C major 11 chord along with suggested finger positions.
Cmaj11 Chord - JGuitar
JGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol. Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols entered. Show Cmaj11 results in Chord Calculator.
Cmaj11 Guitar Chord (C Major 11th)
The C maj11 chord is an expansive and rich chord, featuring the major 7th and adding the 9th and 11th for a full-bodied harmonic texture. Its notes C, E, G, B, D and F offer a deeply atmospheric quality, perfect for creating serene and ethereal musical landscapes.
在鋼琴、吉他和烏克麗麗上的Cmaj11和弦 - Musicca
C大十一和弦(英文簡寫為Cmaj11和弦)為六音和弦,由C、E、G、B、D和F六個音組成。在此和弦的組成中,是將C大九和弦加上一個十一度音。 在實務上,為了避免和弦過於不和諧,Cmaj11和弦的五度音(G)有時會被省略,因為並非總是能夠同時演奏所有的音。