Cmaj7/D Chord - JGuitar
Show Cmaj7/D results in Chord Calculator. Show me scales that sound good with a Cmaj7/D chord.
这一次,我们彻底搞懂七和弦! - 知乎专栏
以Cmaj7(CEGB)和弦为例,把这个和弦的组成音拆解开,可以发现: C、E、G三个音组成了一个C和弦; E、G、B三个音又组成了一个Em和弦; 所以,Cmaj7和弦也可以看成两个三和弦的叠加,既有大三和弦的色彩,又有小三和弦的色彩,所以才导致这种和弦听起来非常的迷人。 G7(GBDF)这个和弦同样把它拆分开,可以看到: G、B、D组成了一个G和弦; B、D、F这三个音,因为B到F是增四/减五度音程,所以这三个音组成了B-和弦; 因为增四/减五音程 极其 …
Cmaj7\D Guitar Chord | C major seventh inverted on D - Scales …
Cmaj7\D for Guitar has the notes D C E G B and can be played 4 different ways. Get the charts and learn about its interval structure: 2 1 3 5 7.
Cmaj7 chord - Guitar chords
Cmaj7 is a four-note chord consisting of C, E, G, B. Cmaj7 - A7 - Dm7 - G7 (see with diagrams in pdf) Cmaj7 is an abbreviation for C major seventh. A less common abbreviation is CM7. A third system is the triangle (delta) symbol: C 7. The Cmaj7 with 8X998XX fingering can also can be written Cmaj7VIII marking the position at the eight fret.
Cmaj7 Guitar Chord: 5 Ways To Play This Cool Chord
Just like our Cmaj7 guitar chord (root on D string), this Cmaj7 guitar chord with it’s root on the G string also has a lovely top end. This voicing can be used in a variety of different musical situations and sits perfectly in a band mix. Let’s learn how to play this essential chord:
在钢琴、吉他和尤克里里上的Cmaj7和弦 | Musicca
How to Play the Cmaj7 Chord on Guitar - Fender
The Cmaj7 chord makes an appearance on the bridge, providing a solid layer of rhythm guitar that is equal parts power and melancholy. Building off of the somewhat ambiguous, laid-back tone of the Cmaj7 chord, Frank Sinatra’s version of the holiday classic, “ Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas ”, weaves the chord into its composition.
Cmaj7和弦的按法示范详情,和弦宝典,吉他和弦查询,尤克里里和弦, …
注:对含有和弦外音的和弦播放的时候播放了和弦外音,实际应用中和弦外音在该和弦下是一般不会应用的! 如果你有相关知识和能力,可以点击下面按钮来丰富这个和弦的更多信息,以方便更多的琴友来学习! www.byguitar.com 彼岸吉他网版权所有,盗版、盗用、篡改必究!
Sunflower Bean - Nothing Romantic (Chords)
[Intro] Em7 A Em E Em7 A Em E [Verse 1] Em You’d never guess I’d be drowning all my sorrows Cmaj7 Am In the divey hallows of my fantasy Em 'Cause I used to think my suffering made me immortal Cmaj7 Am Heartbreak was a portal to my honesty [Chorus] Em C D Em There’s nothing romantic in being alone C G D I don’t wanna be the last lonely soul Em D C Sitting at the bar drinking alone G D ...
C大调吉他7和弦 | 标准吉他 - Standard Guitar
C大调吉他7和弦又称为 Cmaj7, CM7. 你的第二根手指放在第四琴弦的第二个品格上; 你的第三根手指放在第五琴弦的第三品格上