Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation - Wikipedia
Previously known as NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) is a scientific research and experimentation NATO facility that organises and conducts scientific research and technology development, centred on the maritime domain, to address defence and security needs of the Alliance.
2025年2月12日 · Situated in La Spezia, Italy, the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) is a world-class NATO scientific research facility with over 60 years of expertise. Our team of NATO scientists is dedicated to advancing maritime research and technology, developing innovative solutions that enhance safety and …
CMRE | Financial Services, Inc.
CMRE is here to help you resolve your healthcare billing. Our friendly and professional staff will assist you in creating an online account and paying your bill online using our fast, safe and secure online bill pay portal.
Topic: Science and Technology Organization - NATO
2023年5月30日 · The CMRE organises and conducts scientific research and technology development, centred on the maritime domain, delivering innovative solutions to address the Alliance’s defence and security needs. The CMRE conducts hands-on scientific and engineering research for the direct benefit of both NATO and such customers as research entities and ...
Costamare - Wikipedia
(NYSE:CMRE) is a Greek and Marshall Islands corporation and one of the world's leading owners and providers of containerships for charter. Its headquarters are in Athens , Greece. Costamare Inc. has 37 years of history in the international shipping industry and a fleet of 56 containerships, with a total capacity of approximately 326,000 twenty ...
About - CMRE
Established in 1974, CMRE Financial Services, Inc. (CMRE) has been providing collection and A/R management services for the healthcare industry for more than four decades. Our organization is founded upon the simple philosophy that the needs of our clients and patients must be placed above our own.
We are looking for motivated postdoctorals and graduate students! Please contact [email protected] for more info.
希腊船运公司:高世迈航运公司 Costamare Inc.(CMRE) | 美股之家
2016年7月25日 · 高世迈航运公司Costamare Inc. (NYSE:CMRE)创立于1974年,注册地在摩纳哥, 总部位于希腊 雅典,是希腊一家知名的货柜航运公司,全职雇员2,700人,是国际货柜航运的船东,主要出租旗下船只给定期航运公司(包括: 中国远洋运输 (COSCO)、地中海航运 (MSC)、达飞 海运 (CMA CGM)、中海集运 (China Shipping Container Lines)、 以星 (Zim)等)。 Costamare Inc. 是领先的国际集装箱船船东。 通过其子公司,Costamare Inc.拥有一支由 82 艘集装箱船组 …
中稀(湖南)稀土开发有限公司(以下简称 “湖南稀土”)是中国稀土集团有限公司(China Rare Earth Group Co., Ltd)的省级区域公司,负责湖南省区域内离子型稀土资源的统一开发、冶炼分离企业的统一管理和稀土产业发展工作。 湖南稀土前身为五矿稀土江华有限公司,于2010年8月在湖南永州市江华瑶族自治县注册成立,现有注册资本金59291.84万元。 公司现拥有探明储量达 10万吨级的大型离子稀土矿藏一座,采矿权证一本,是自然资源部确定的“国家级绿色矿山”以及国 …
机械风险评估师-CMRE - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、 …