CASA/IPTN CN-235 - Wikipedia
The CASA/IPTN CN-235 is a medium-range twin-engined transport aircraft that was jointly developed by CASA of Spain and Indonesian manufacturer IPTN. It is operated as both a …
CN-235运输机是西班牙航空制造公司和国营印度尼西亚飞机工业有限公司联合研制的双发涡轮螺旋桨支线运输机。 它是西班牙航空制造公司70年代初研制的C-212小型运输机的发展型,其主要 …
CN235 & C295 - Aircraft Recognition Guide
CN-235 was the start of the family of aircraft, and is the shortest of the two main models. Compared to the bigger C-295 it has four blade propellers, a single wheel nose gear as …
AirTech CN-235MP / MPA Maritime Patrol Aircraft
2002年5月12日 · The AirTech CN-235 maritime patrol aircraft has been developed in two versions with different avionics systems: the CN-235MP Persuader developed in Spain by CASA EADS …
CASA CN-235 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
The CASA/IPTN CN-235 is a medium-range twin-engined transport plane that was jointly developed by CASA of Spain and IPTN of Indonesia as a regional airliner and military …
CN-235 - 나무위키
CN-235M은 장거리 항속능력과 우수한 비행특성을 가지고 있다. 특히 뛰어난 단거리이착륙 성능을 자랑하는데, 주 동력원인 GE CT7 엔진은 [5] 착륙거리를 줄이기 위한 자동 역추진장치가 …
CASA/IPTN CN235 - Airliners.net
Utility transport and 45 seat regional airliner. The CN235 regional airline and military tactical transport was developed and manufactured jointly by CASA from Spain and IPTN from …
Airbus Military (CASA) CN-235 Medium-Lift Tactical ... - Military Factory
2020年7月31日 · CN-235 MPA ("Maritime Patrol Aircraft") - Dedicated maritime platform with support for anti-ship missiles and torpedoes.
Dimensiones / Especificaciones: Peso vacío 9.800 Kg. / Peso cargado 15.500 Kg. / Longitud 21,40 m. / Envergadura 25,81 m. / Altura total 8,17 m. Velocidad: 450 Km. / Crucero 437 Km. …
2023年9月3日 · CN-235飞机由印度尼西亚IPTN (现Dirgantara)和西班牙CASA (EADS)合资生产,其原型机于1983年11月11日首飞,1991年开始在印尼和西班牙服役。 2002年,MPlA改型 …
CASA CN-235M-200 aviation photos on JetPhotos
2025年2月10日 · Airline: France - Air Force Reg: 137 photos Aircraft: CASA CN-235M-200 Serial #: C137 Photo date: 2024-06-28 Uploaded: 2024-07-11
CN-235 다목적 수송기 - 유용원의군사세계 - 전문가광장 > 무기백과
2019年10月25日 · CN-235는 고익 (高翼)에 쌍발 엔진을 채택한 단거리 이착륙 (STOL: Short Take-off and Landing) 경 (輕) 수송기로, 최대 6,000kg까지 탑재가 가능하다. 최고 순항 속도는 시속 …
CN-235-300 Tactical Transport Aircraft - Airforce Technology
2003年6月10日 · With a take-off run of just 1,217 m, the CN-235 can transport loads up to 6,000 kg. There are 17 CN-235 transport aircraft in service with the French Air Force, with two more …
CASA CN-235 - Transport aircraft - GlobalMilitary.net
Originally designed in cooperation between Spain and Indonesia, the CN-235 is a high-wing, twin-engine tactical transport aircraft capable of operating on short unprepared runways. It can …
CASA/IPTN CN-235 - Wikiwand
The CASA/IPTN CN-235 is a medium-range twin-engined transport aircraft that was jointly developed by CASA of Spain and Indonesian manufacturer IPTN. It is operated as both a …
CASA CN-235M-100 | United States - US Air Force (USAF)
2025年2月25日 · CASA CN-235M-100. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
CASA CN-235 – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
O CASA/IPTN CN-235 é uma aeronave bimotor de transporte de médio alcance que foi desenvolvida em conjunto pela EADS CASA da Espanha e IPTN da Indonésia participando da …
Airtech (CASA / IPTN) CN-235 - Specifications - Technical Data ...
The Airtech CN-235 is a twin-engined medium-range multi-purpose transport aircraft developed jointly by the Spanish manufacturer CASA (EADS CASA) and the Indonesian manufacturer …
France pushes forward with CN-235M avionics upgrade - Key.Aero
2023年1月18日 · In a bid to modernise the French Air and Space Force’s (FASF’s) matured Airbus CN-235M-200/300 fleet, France’s defence procurement agency – the Direction …